2D Game Design Workshop
Want to build your own game but do not know where and how to start? Join us to learn a new skill in game development with Unity and understand the Game Developer Roadmap.

STEP Sociovation Forum 2021
The STEP Sociovation Forum 2021 will once again bring together young leaders from the region, this time with a focus on environment advocacy via visual storytelling.

Post COVID-19 Financial Planning 101
Join us to find out more on CPF retirement account, MediShield Life’s coverage and ways to avoid the "Sandwich Generation Trap".

Brown Bag Series: Coach to Overcome
Mr Nicholas Gabriel Lim from SUSS will be sharing on the topic of Coach to Overcome.

Sustainability and Carbon Management in Organisations
Learn about the latest developments in corporate sustainability; importance of carbon management and discover the essentials of a carbon action plan.

SUSS SBIZ Business Plan Competition 2021
Passionate in entrepreneurship and using digital technologies to improve our society's well-being? Join the competition to win attractive prizes up to S$2,200 worth of shopping vouchers!

2021 Singapore Early Childhood Education Chinese Symposium 新加坡学前教育论坛
Join us to explore the world of Anji Play, learn how play-based learning is applied in the Singapore context, as well as develop and reflect on your own practice with young children.

Storytelling with Data Workshop
Learn how to leverage data effectively from real-world Data Storytelling case studies to support decision-making and drive data-driven actions.

SUSS Analytics and Visualisation Challenge 2021
A platform for Junior College and Polytechnic students to showcase their work in data analytics and visualisations.

Language in Singapore Forum Series 2021: LANGUAGE, CAMERA, ACTION!
Explore the roles, nature and development of languages on screen in Singapore.

Machine Learning Workshop
Learn how to use analytical software to perform Decision Tree Predictive Analytics Model and to predict employee churn rate.

Headhunt Postgraduate Fair 2021
Join us for the HeadHunt Postgraduate Virtual Fair 2021 on 11th Sep. Speak with our SUSS faculty to gain better insights into our graduate programmes. Register now at postgrad.com.sg.

SUSS-Brand Challenge 2021
Work with Exciting and Promising brands. Exposure to real challenges in the market. Opportunity to challenge your creativity.

TechLaw.Fest 2021
TechLaw.Fest 2021 returns from September 22 to 24 in a hybrid format. Here’s your chance to connect with the brightest legal professionals and technologists from the world-over!

SUSS Convocation 2021
To all Class of 2021 graduands, congratulations on your achievement!

DBS Foundation Social Impact Prize @ Impact Startup Challenge Grand Finale
Supported by DBS Foundation, this Grand Finale brings together the best impact startups from all the past Impact Startup Challenges for a chance to win up to S$10,000 to kickstart their business.

International Conference on Governance and Corruption: Governance and Corruption in Uncertain Times
An international conference that discusses how governance and corruption control continues to be of critical importance during uncertain times.

2021 SUSS Cultural China Public Lecture 新跃文化中华讲座
The 24 Festive Drums: Innovation and Dissemination of Chinese Culture across Five Continents 节令鼓震五大洲: 文化中华的创新与传播
How to Improve Sleep Quality
Learn more about the factors causing sleep disorders and different methods to improve sleep quality.

2021 World Congress on Justice with Children
Ensuring access to justice for all children: towards non-discriminatory and inclusive child justice systems.