Brown Bag Series: Coach to Overcome
Date: 15 Jul 2021
Venue: Live Webinar
News Type: Mr Nicholas Gabriel Lim from SUSS will be sharing on the topic of Coach to Overcome.
School/Department: Mr Nicholas Gabriel Lim from SUSS will be sharing on the topic of Coach to Overcome.
Coach to Overcome
The Brown Bag Series aims to inspire working professionals to develop a passion for lifelong learning. The Critical Core Skills Workshops (Apr – Aug 2021) are part of a 16-part series organised by HeadHunt in collaboration with the Lifelong Learning Institute to help Singaporeans learn new skills and gain competencies to level up your career.
During this session on 15 July 2021, Mr Nicholas Gabriel Lim from the S R Nathan School of Human Development at SUSS will be sharing on the topic of Coach to Overcome.
Going into heightened alert seemed to bring out the doom and gloom sentiments. For some, jobs were lost — again. Others, having food on the table may be an issue. Worries, fears and anxieties come to the surface and may even cripple us from taking actions. If you have what it takes to coach individuals to overcome, or if you have what it takes to overcome by coaching — this is for you!