Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Enhancement Courses


Human Factors (also known as ergonomics) is concerned with how people interact with their equipment and systems at work, how they fit into their workspace and how their environment affects them. It is the study of the capabilities and limitations of people and the application of this knowledge to the design of systems, products and work environments to ensure that people are safe and healthy at work and are also able to perform efficiently. 

The courses listed here are part of the Bachelor in Human Factors in Safety undergraduate degree programme and cover key knowledge and skills in both disciplines of Human Factors and Workplace Health and Safety.  

These courses will expand your perspective on dealing with WSH issues by focusing on the human aspects. Human Factors is about having a HOLISTIC view people at work. It is about knowing the social and psychological aspects of work as well as the technological and environmental implications. Human Factors about identifying the causes of problems, which goes beyond merely finding solutions. Understanding Human Factors is an important first step in achieving a Total Workplace Safety Culture. 

Get the alternative perspective when you take up our courses.  

Workplace Safety and Health Officers (WSHOs) can claim SDU points for the courses.


Course CodeCourse NameSDU PointsPresentation DayPresentation Semester(s)
HFS103Psychology for Human Factors
18Every Monday for 6 weeksJanuary and July Semesters
HFS105eCognition and Information Processing18Every Monday for 6 weeks
January and July Semesters
HFS201Workplace Evaluation and Design18Every Wednesday for 6 weeks
January and July Semesters
HFS203Environmental Hazards and 18Every Tuesday for 6 weeks
July Semester Only
HFS206eOccupational and Biomechanics18Every Friday for 6 weeks
July Semester Only
HFS301eCognitive Systems Engineering18Every Monday for 6 weeks
July Semester Only
HFS303Safety, Risk and Resilience Engineering18Every Monday for 6 weeks
July Semester Only
HFS351Safety Management and Audit18Every Wednesday for 6 weeks
January and July Semesters
HFS353Incident and Accident Investigation18Every Thursday for 6 weeks
July Semester Only
HFS371Risk Assessment and Management18Every Thursday for 6 weeks
July Semester Only
HFSY215Behavioural Based Safety18Every Wednesday for 6 weeks
January Semester Only
HFSY217Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning18Every Wednesday for 6 weeks
January and July Semesters
HFSY355Safety Standards, Legislations and Best Practices18Every Tuesday for 6 weeks
January Semester Only
HFSY357Environmental Management and Sustainable Development18Every Tuesday for 6 weeksJanuary Semester Only
HFSY359eFatigue Management18Every Wednesday for 6 weeksJanuary Semester Only
SST102eHuman Factors and Systems Design18Every Thursday for 6 weeks
January and July Semesters


Click here for course fees.

Please contact Angela or Yvonne for enquiries at [email protected] or [email protected].