Tuition Fees: CET Modular Courses
The amount of course fees you pay in each semester depends on the number of courses you take in that semester. Course fees cover all study materials, classes, tutor supervision, assignments and examinations.
They do not include fees for textbooks and other additional items specified by SUSS from time to time.
View CET Undergraduate Modular course fees
View CET Graduate Modular course fees
View payment modes
There may be additional items that are not covered by the tuition fees. These could include items such as recommended textbooks, resit examination fee, etc.
Please click here for other fees.
SUSS offers the following CET modular course fee concessions1:
- Applicants who are 50 years old and above will enjoy a 10% course fee concession for CET modular courses and short courses.
- Applicants who are 60 years old and above will enjoy a 20% course fee concession for CET modular courses and short courses.
- Applicants who are Alumni (Doctoral, Master's or Bachelor's programme) of SUSS will enjoy a 20% course fee concession for CET modular courses and short courses.
1No retrospective claims will be allowed.
Students will enjoy only one of the three categories of concession. The above concessions are applicable to all CET modular courses offered by SUSS unless specified otherwise. Concessions are not applicable to students eligible for SkillsFuture funding, or for courses offered by external institutions/organisations. It will be subject to availability of places in the course. Additionally, these concessions are not to be used concurrently with any other concessions and/or funding.
PSEA is applicable for SSG-funded CET courses.
Course fees must be paid before submission of PSEA online application.
MOE has introduced an online application for use of PSEA Ad Hoc Withdrawal. Your form will be rejected if you submit multiple courses in one submission. One PSEA form is strictly applicable for one submission.
If you are using your own PSEA, please submit the Ad Hoc Withdrawal Form via FormSG using SingPass.
(If you are below 21 years old at the point of submission, a parent/legal guardian is required to submit the online application on your behalf.)
If you are using your sibling's PSEA, please submit the FormSG using Singpass
Please take note that the following important information is compulsory when you are applying for PSEA and must be included in Part 1 of all PSEA forms:
- Name of Institution or Training Provider: SUSS-CET
- Student Card Number: CE000000
- Usage Category as 'SSG-PDEV';
- Course Reference Code and the title of the course under 'Course/Fee Description': E.g., TGS-2023037161 Financial Accounting
- Refer here to search the Course Reference Code
Online application must be submitted to SUSS by the following deadlines:
- 30 January (for January Semester) and
- 30 July (for July Semester).
Applicants may need to provide additional documents and information if required. Late or incomplete application forms may result in non-acceptance or rejection of your application.
For the balance amounts in PSEA, please call the hotline at +65 6260 0777.
Click here to view FAQs and here for the flowchart to apply PSEA
The amount of course fees you pay in each semester depends on the number of courses you take in that semester. The course fees cover all study materials, classes, tutor supervision, assignments and examinations. They do not include fees for textbooks and other additional items specified by SUSS from time to time.
Students will be sent the bill for course fee payment (and other additional fees, if applicable) at the start of each semester and you will be given 1 week to pay the fees.
In Budget 2022, the Minister for Finance announced that the GST rate will be increased from:
(i) 7% to 8% with effect from 1 Jan 2023; and
(ii) 8% to 9% with effect from 1 Jan 2024.
IRAS has given the guidance that 8% GST will be chargeable if payment is received by SUSS from 1 January 2023. Payments received by SUSS before 1 January 2023 will continue to pay GST at 7% and the table below aims to clarify some of the scenarios that may be encountered. Please refer to for more information.
Payment mode
| Payment can be treated as received before 1 Jan 2023 if:
Payment charged to credit card and OCBC Interest-Free Instalment Plan(FPP) | Payment is charged to the credit card by 31 Dec 2022(FPP) |
Telegraphic transfer (TT)
| TT instruction is received by the SUSS’s bank by 31 Dec 2022
AXS or Nets payment
Payment transaction takes place by 31 Dec 2022
Other electronic fund transfers where funds are transferred instantly such as PayNow, bank transfer (FPP)
| Funds are received by 31 Dec 2022 (FPP)
Students who do not meet fee payment deadlines imposed by the University will incur penalty fees. If fees are not paid by the due date indicated in the bill, a late fee will be imposed.
For students with outstanding payment, the University reserves the right to take further action as deemed necessary including barring such students from course registrations in a subsequent semester and cancelling such students' current course registration.
A written request for a refund must be submitted and is subject to approval.
If written notice of withdrawal is given within the cooling off period2 and before the course start date, a full refund of the fees paid less an administrative charge of $110.00 (exclusive of GST) will be given.
No refund will be given for withdrawal thereafter.
2 The cooling off period is defined as 7 working days after payment of course fee.