
All incoming full-time programme students must be matriculated officially before commencing your studies in SUSS. 

Please take note of the important key events for the July 2024 intake and complete all registration formalities by the stipulated deadlines. For more information, please refer to the ft-matriculationbooklet.

Click here to proceed to the matriculation portal.

Important information for undergraduate students who enrol from July 2023 semester onwards

The new SUSS curriculum was introduced in the July 2023 semester.

It consists of a new suite of SUSS Core courses, streamlined majors and more curriculum space for free electives, minor or second major in the undergraduate curriculum. The new calendar comprises two 12-week semesters and one special semester.

For more details on the new SUSS curriculum, please refer to this set of faq_students.

Please visit the respective full-time undergraduate programme pages for information on the programme structure and curriculum.