Professional Certificate Courses, SkillsFuture Courses, Modular Courses & More

We offer a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary range of over 200 courses each semester, at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels. These courses come from our four schools

This broad range of courses prepares you for the priority and growth sectors in Singapore’s economy such as: Accountancy, Advanced Manufacturing, Applied Health Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Construction, Early Childhood, Financial Services, Human Resource Management, ICT & Media, Logistics and Aerospace, Smart and Sustainable Urban Solutions and Social Services.

Additionally, starting from 1 May 2024, Singaporeans aged 40 years and above will receive a SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career) top-up to pursue a substantive skills reboot. This is a key component of the SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme. For the list of approved courses from SUSS under SFC (Mid-Career Tier) eligible for upcoming intakes, please click here (hyperlink to PDF).

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Multiple Pathways at SUSS

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