OpenCerts Digital Certificates and Transcripts

Developed by GovTech Singapore, OpenCerts is a platform that utilises blockchain technology to ensure high security and transparency. SUSS issues electronic degree scrolls and transcripts in the OpenCerts format (.opencert) to our alumni. For additional FAQs on OpenCerts, please click here.

To verify the authenticity of your SUSS OpenCerts, simply upload or drag and drop the .opencert file into the designated space below. 

Alternatively, you may use the OpenCerts website ( For the best viewing experience, it is recommended that you use the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browsers. The readable degree scroll and transcript information will be rendered and displayed, confirming the authenticity of the electronic documents.

Benefits of going digital:

(a) Your certificate and transcript will be in one place where you can have 24/7 access anytime, anywhere
(b) With a secured verification platform, the verification process by your potential employers or universities is simplified resulting in time and cost savings

Here's a quick guide on accessing your OpenCerts file: 

How does it work?

For Graduates

Look out for emails sent by Student Records to your SUSS alumni email address (alumni lifelong email address) (Example: [email protected]) registered with us. You will receive a separate email for the e-transcript and e-certificate.

For access or reset of password to your alumni lifelong email account, please email your full name, date of birth and PI number to [email protected].

Download the attachment from the email. The OpenCerts file is inside the attachment. Extract or move the file to another location (eg Desktop). Do not double-click on the file.

A window should pop out, prompting you to enter the password.  Your password is the last 3 digits, and the alphabet of your NRIC followed by your date and month of birth in DDMmm format (e.g. 123A01Jan).

For alumni from the July 2023 semester onwards, your password is your NRIC number, e.g. S1234567A.

Access the OpenCerts website ( using the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browsers. You can drag and drop the OpenCerts file onto the website, or select the file directly.

Should you wish to share the file (for example, with your employers), you can do so by clicking on the email button and entering the email address you wish to send the file.


For Employers

Where do I view and retrieve my e-certificate and e-transcript? Click here for the video tutorial on how to retrieve your e-certificate and e-transcript. More FAQs on OpenCerts can be found here.

Obtain the certificate in the OpenCerts file from your applicant.

Verify the certificate by carrying out one of the following options:

A) Drag and drop the OpenCerts file into the Verification Box above

B) Select the file directly from the