#CONVERGE2: Create A Window To Your World
Embark on a virtual adventure of a lifetime to Malaysia, The Philippines, and Vietnam!
Studying at SUSS Webinar (Sports and Physical Education)
Dr Eugene Chew, SUSS Head of Sports and Physical Education programme will share how student-athletes can benefit from the part-time degree in Sports and Physical Education.

Creative Pottery Workshop 2
Enjoy a therapeutic and relaxing session creating your own ceramic wares!

Brown Bag Series: Developing a Social Media Ecosystem to Digitise SME’s Businesses
Dr Jimmy Wong from SUSS will be sharing on the topic of Developing a Social Media Ecosystem to Digitise SME’s Businesses.

Full-time Undergraduate Programmes Information Sessions
Find out more about SUSS Full-time Programmes by joining our virtual information session. Do not miss this opportunity to interact with faculty members and have your questions answered.

The 3Rs of Study Strategies Talk
Workshop via Zoom to enable students to pick up on effective ways to learn.

Telegram Live Chat Sessions with Full-Time Admissions Team
Have questions about applying to SUSS’s full-time undergraduate programmes? Speak to us!

Full-time Undergraduate Programmes Information Sessions
Find out more about SUSS Full-time Programmes by joining our virtual information session. Do not miss this opportunity to interact with faculty members and have your questions answered.

Just Justice Talk
In partnership between Governors State University and Singapore University of Social Science, this student-led initiative aims to create a space for a discussion on Restorative Justice.

Digital Water Hackathon
Join us at the Digital Water Hackathon to learn more about the sector and solve real-life issues in the digital water space.

FinTech in China: Interpreting the Differences between Chinese and Western Thinking
Learn about interesting English and Chinese FinTech terms that could shed light on the differences between Chinese and Western thinking arising from socio-cultural and geopolitical differences.

Thinking Critically about Superhero Films: All Flash and No Substance?
Join this talk to explore popular myths and assumptions about the genre and the role of critical thinking in the (de)construction of superhero films.

Cyber Hostility – How Far is Too Far?
Find out how to recognise acts of cyber bullying, the current legal remedies available and how to be an effective first responder.

Virtual Chingay Party 2021
This Online event will be held via Zoom connecting seniors, friends, students/alumni of SUSS Gerontology and age-friendly communities around the world!

Financial Planning Workshop: Understanding Bonds
Learn about types of bonds, their features and benefits and risks of bond investing.

Technology Innovations for Seniors
In this talk, we will discover the potential and expanding use of technology in the Silver industry.

Smart City - Innovative Strategies for Public Security
This talk aims to provide an overview of the changing nature of public security in advancing Smart City initiatives in Singapore.

Let's Talk Business 2021 - Seminar 1 Sustainability: What’s trending?
See the latest trends and creative ways that brands have responded and be inspired to do the same for your business too.

Full-time Undergraduate Programmes Information Sessions
Find out more about SUSS Full-time Programmes by joining our virtual information session. Do not miss this opportunity to interact with faculty members and have your questions answered.