2021 SUSS Cultural China Public Lecture 新跃文化中华讲座
Date: 23 Oct 2021
Venue: Online event
News Type: The 24 Festive Drums: Innovation and Dissemination of Chinese Culture across Five Continents 节令鼓震五大洲: 文化中华的创新与传播
School/Department: The 24 Festive Drums: Innovation and Dissemination of Chinese Culture across Five Continents 节令鼓震五大洲: 文化中华的创新与传播
The 24 Festive Drums: Innovation and Dissemination of Chinese Culture across Five Continents
The 24-Festive Drums performance, which originated in Johor Bahru 33 years ago, was listed as a Malaysia Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2009. This “oriental rock music”, which fuses traditional Chinese cultural elements and contemporary concepts, is popular among young people. Mr. Tan Chai Puan will share the evolution of the 24-Festive Drums, including its tropical birthplace Malaysia, and its impressive communicative power to transcend societal and cultural boundaries.
This lecture will be conducted in Mandarin. However, simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided on Zoom Webinar.
• Live Streaming (without English interpretation) - Lianhe Zaobao, zbNOW, and SUSS Facebook pages
• Zoom Webinar (with English interpretation) – No prior registration needed
Whichever channel you intend to use, click on the red button below to register for the event links and a reminder.
The SUSS Cultural China Public Lecture series is jointly organised by SUSS, and Lianhe Zaobao.
节令鼓震五大洲: 文化中华的创新与传播
Zoom Webinar:将提供中英同声传译;只须通过链接登录,无须报名