Inspiring Excellence, Enabling Success

Teaching & Learning Centre

Teaching & Learning Centre

TLC inspires excellence in teaching and enables success in learning by:

- Developing and facilitating professional development in teaching and learning for instructors
- Providing student learning support such as resources and workshops for study skills
- Fostering a vibrant academic community via education research and collaborations

Teaching Support

Associates and Faculty are the lynchpins in the teaching and learning environment within SUSS.

Being experts, you engage, inspire, and enable our students to apply the knowledge and skills that they learn. Recognising that teaching is enriching and at times challenging, TLC supports you with a range of professional development dialogues, workshops and resources to develop and deepen your teaching expertise.

Learning Support

As you embark on your academic journey, TLC invites you to engage with our learning support provisions. We strive to support your learning needs and strengthen your learning competencies.

How to Register? Workshops

For Students

Registration can be done via the Student Portal during the Registration Period.

Login to Student Portal
Click on "E-Services" on the left menu
Click on "Event Service Online" in Student eService
Click on the "Event ID" of the specific workshop/course you wish to register for

Click here to view the Training Workshops/Courses by TLC.

For Associates & Faculties

TLC will email the registration details to the invited Associates/Faculty nearer the start dates of the workshops.

Click here to view the Training Workshops/Courses by TLC.



Note: The workshop/event dates, time and venue may be subjected to change.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us for any queries or if you would like to know more about TLC.