Educational Qualifications
PhD, Nanyang Technological University
MA (Instructional Design and Technology), Nanyang Technological University
PGDE (Secondary) with Credit, Nanyang Technological University
BSc, National University of Singapore
Academic and Professional Experience
2022 - PresentAssociate Professor, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2020 - 2021
Senior Lecturer, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2011 - 2020
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education, Singapore
2007 - 2011
Lecturer, National Institute of Education, Singapore
2005 - 2007
Research Associate, National Institute of Education, Singapore
2004 - 2005
Part-time Research Assistant, National Institute of Education, Nanyang
Technological University
2001 - 2005
Part-time Tutor, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological
Adjunct Lecturer, Temasek Polytechnic
Senior Editor, SNP Education Pte Ltd
1999 - 2000
Subject Head, Victoria School, Ministry of Education, Singapore
1992 - 1998
Teacher, Victoria School, Ministry of Education, Singapore
Selected Publications
Journal Articles:
Chen, W., Zhang, S., Pi, Z., Tan, J. S. H., Wen, Y., Loo, C.-K., Yeo, J., & Liu, Q. (inpress)
Students’ Appropriation of Collaboration Script in a Networked Class: An Exploratory Study. Technology, Pedagogy and Education.
Tan, K. C. D., & Yeo, J. (2022)
Advancing conceptual understanding of science. International Journal of Science Education and Teaching, 1(2), 56-64.
Yeo, J. & Gilbert, J. K. (2022)
Producing Scientific Explanations in Physics—A Multimodal Account. Research in Science Education, 52(3), 819 – 852.
Yeo, J., Lim, E., Tan, K. C. D., Ong, Y. S (2021)
The efficacy of an
Image-to-Writing approach to learning abstract scientific concepts: Temperature
and Heat. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 19, 21–44.
DOI 10.1007/s10763-019-10026-z.
Yeo, J., Wong, W. L., Tan, K. C. D., Ong, Y. S., & Delserieys, A. P. (2020)
Using visual representation in realising the concept of “Heat” in primary
science. Learning: Research & Practice, 6(1), 34-50, DOI:
Tan, K. C. D., Yeo, J., Tan, P. H., & Ong, A. (2019)
Differentiating heat
and temperature: An image-to-writing approach. Primary Science, 160, 21-24.
Yamashita, S., Yeo, J., Nakanishi, K., Kojima, K., Igarashi, R., Terasawa,
A., Chang, J., Toh, J., Pang, A., Ashardianto, S., & Nomura, J. (2019)
Development and evaluation of GPS science lesson based on STEM model in
Singapore. Science Education International, 30(3), 194-199.
Tay, S. L., & Yeo, J. (2017)
Analysis of a physics teacher's pedagogical
‘micro- actions' that support 17-year-olds' learning of free body diagrams via a modelling approach. International Journal of Science Education, 40(2), 109-138.
Yeo, J., & Tan S. C. (2014)
Redesigning problem-based learning in the
knowledge creation paradigm for school science learning. Instructional Science,
42(5), 747 – 775.
Yeo, J., & Gilbert, J. K. (2014)
Constructing a scientific explanation - A
narrative account. International Journal of Science Education, 36(11),
Yeo, J., Tan, S. C., & Lee, Y. J. (2012)
A learning journey in problem-based
learning in a physics classroom. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 21(1),
Tang, K. S., Tan, S. C., & Yeo, J. (2011)
Students' multimodal construction
of Work-Energy Concept. International Journal of Science Education, 33,
Yeo, J., & Tan, S. C. (2011)
How a group learns: Implications for
collaborative work in science. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 20(2),
Yeo, J. & Tan, S.C. (2010)
Constructive use of authoritative sources in
science meaning making. International Journal of Science Education, 32(13),
Tan, S. C., Yeo, J., & Lim, W. Y. (2005)
Changing epistemology of science
learning through inquiry with Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. Journal
of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 24(4), 367-386.
Yeo, J., Teo, T. W., & Tang, K.-S. (Eds.). (2018)
Science education research
and practice in Asia-Pacific and beyond. Singapore: Springer.
Tan, S. C., So, H. J., & Yeo, J. (Eds.). (2014)
Knowledge creation in
education. Singapore: Springer.
Book Chapters:
Yeo, J., & Tan, K. C. D. (2022)
From image-to-writing: A teacher’s PCK in supporting primary school students in making sernse of the specialised language of science. In Seah, L. H., Silver, R. E., & Baildon, M. C. (Eds.), The role of language in content pedagogy (pp. 115 – 136). Springer.
Yeo, J., & Tan, K.C.D. (2021)
Science education in Singapore. In O-.S Tan, E. L. Low, E. G. Tay & Y. K Yan.
(Eds.), Singapore math and science education innovation: Beyond PISA (pp.
00-00). Singapore: Springer.
Yeo, J., Chen, W.L., Lee, Y.J., & Tan, T. (2021)
Innovative science and STEM pedagogies in Singapore. In O-.S Tan, E. L. Low, E.
G. Tay & Y. K Yan. (Eds.), Singapore math and science education innovation:
Beyond PISA (pp. 00-00). Singapore: Springer.
Tan., K.C.D, & Yeo, J. (2021)
Moving Research into the Classroom: Synergy in Collaboration. In O-.S Tan, E. L.
Low, E. G. Tay & Y. K Yan. (Eds.), Singapore math and science education
innovation: Beyond PISA (pp. 00-00). Singapore: Springer.
Yeo, J. (2018)
Showcasing Singapore Science Teachers’ Research. In J. Yeo, T. W. Teo, & K. S. Tang (Eds.), Science education research and practice in Asia-Pacific and beyond (pp. 151-158). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Yeo, J., & Gilbert, J. K. (2017)
The role of representations in students' explanations of phenomena in physics.
In D. F Treagust, R. Duit, & H. E. Fischer (Eds.), Multiple representations in
physics education (pp. 255-287). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Yeo, J. (2015)
Building theory-practice nexus in pre-service physics teacher education through
Problem-Based Learning. In A. Walker, H. Leary, C. E. Hmelo- Silver, & P. A.
Ertmer (Eds.), Essential reading in Problem-based Learning: Exploring and
extending the legacy of Howard S. Barrows (pp. 165- 178). Indiana: Purdue
University Press.
Tan, S. C., Yeo, J., So, H. J., Ow, E. G. J., Chai, C. S., & Teo, C.
L. (2014)
Knowledge creation in Singapore schools: Our journey and ways forward. In S. C.
Tan, H. J. So, & J. Yeo (Eds.), Knowledge creation in education (pp. 283-302).
Singapore: Springer.
Yeo, J. (2014)
Knowledge building as a boundary object in formal/informal learning. In A. L.
Tan, C. L. Poon, & S. L. S. Lim (Eds.), Inquiry into the Singapore science
classroom. Singapore: Springer.
Yeo, J. (2014)
From Problem-Based Learning to Knowledge Creation. In S. C. Tan, H. J. So & J.
Yeo (Eds.), Knowledge creation in education. Singapore: Springer.
Tan, S. C, & Yeo, J. (2014)
Implementing inquiry science with knowledge creation approaches. In A. L. Tan,
C. L. Poon & S. L. S. Lim (Eds.), Inquiry into the Singapore science classroom
(pp. 191-210). Singapore: Springer.
Yeo, J. (2014)
Understanding students' conceptions of electromagnetic induction: A semiotic
analysis. In C. Bruguière, A. Tiberghien & P. Clément (Eds.), 9th ESERA
Conference Contributions: Topics and trends in current science education (pp.
339-352). Dordrecht: Springer.
Yeo, J., Lee, Y.-J. (2012)
Knowledge advancement in environmental science through knowledge building. In K.
C. D. Tan & M. Kim (Eds.), Issues and challenges in science education research
(pp. 317 - 332). Dordrecht: Springer.
So, H. J., Lim, W. Y., & Yeo, J. (2010)
Essential design features of online collaborative learning. In H. Song (Ed.),
Distance learning technologies, current instruction, and the future of
education: Applications of today, practices of tomorrow (pp. 230-244). Hershey:
IGI Global.
Tan, S. C., Kim, B., & Yeo, A. C. J. (2010)
Learning with technology: Learner voice and agency. In M. Orey, S. A. Jones, &
R. M. Branch (Ed.), Educational media and technology yearbook 2010 (pp.
117-134.). New York: Springer.
Yeo, J., & Lee, Y. J. (2010)
Situating science inquiry learning in knowledge creation metaphor of learning.
In Lee, Y. J. (Ed.), The world of science education: Handbook of research in
Asia (pp. 335-354). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Tan, S. C., Seah L. H., Yeo, J., & Hung, D. (2008)
Online learning communities in K-12 settings. In J. Voogt, & G. Knezek (Eds.),
Springer international handbook of information technology in primary and
secondary education (pp. 249-266). Dordrecht: Springer.
Yeo, J., Tan S. C., & Tang, K. S. (2008)
Making sense of a, b, c's of science? A dialectics between everyday and
scientific conception. In Y. J. Lee & A. L. Tan (Eds.), Science education at the
nexus of theory and practice (pp. 25-44). Netherlands: Sense Publishing.
Yeo, J., & Hung, D. (2007)
Technology mediated problem-centered learning environments. In O. S. Tan (Ed.),
Problem-based Learning in E-learning Breakthroughs (pp. 185-206). Singapore:
Thomson Learning.
Editorials and Commentaries:
Nielsen, W., & Yeo, J. (2022)
Introduction to the Special Issue: Multimodal Meaning-Making in Science. Research in Science Education, 52(3), 751 – 754.
Yeo, J., & Nielsen, W. (2020)
Multimodal science teaching and learning, Learning: Research and Practice, 6:1,
1-4, DOI: 10.1080/23735082.2020.1752043.
Yeo, J. (2019)
Facing the Challenges of the Future of Education. Learning: Research and
Practice, 5(1), 1-3.
Koh, E., Yeo, J., & Hung, D. (2015)
Pushing boundaries, taking risks. Learning: Research and Practice, 1(2), 95-99.
Yeo, J. (2009)
Finding science in students' talk. Cultural Studies of Science Education,
913-919. Netherlands: Springer.
Final Reports:
Tan, K.C.D., Yeo, J., Seah, L.H., Teo, C. L., (2024).
Realising lower secondary thematic science curriculum in the cassroom: Developing teachers’ competences in thematic science teaching. MOE Education Research Funding Programme: Closure Report. National Institute of Education, Singapore.
Yeo, J., Tan, K.C.D., & Tan, P.H. (2020).
From images to writing: A formative assessment approach for developing understanding of abstract concepts in primary science. MOE Academies Fund: Closure Report. National Institute of Education, Singapore