Work Attachment Information Guide
Work Attachment Application Process
To kick start your work attachment application process, you may refer to opportunities shared with you either on SUSS Career Portal or you may self-source through external platforms. Unless the opportunity has been shared as "work attachment" opportunity, the jobs scopes of all opportunities sourced either from SUSS Career Portal or self-sourced should be sent to your respective career mentors for approval of its suitability to meet your respective major's WA learning objectives.
Students may apply for their work attachment via SUSS Career Portal. The most suitable applicant will then be shortlisted by the Host Organisation (HO), which will offer them a position via SUSS Career Portal.
Selected students can then decide whether to accept / decline the offer made by the HO. Upon accepting an offer, students are required to upload signed contract and complete all the WA assessment.
For students who choose to self-source their WA, please submit the job description (JD) of the selected WA to SUSS Career Portal for the Career Mentor to review and approve. Students are to ensure that the JD fulfils the Learning Objectives of their major.
Students may only accept the self-sourced WA offer upon approval.
Students must inform the HO at the time of the interview or just before the signing of the offer (if no interview is conducted) of any planned Leave of Absence (LOA), e.g., study leave, examination leave, In-Camp Training (ICT).
Leave approval is at the absolute discretion of the HO. Students are required to inform the HO if they fall ill and need to see a doctor. If medical leave has been granted, they should produce the Medical Certificate (MC) when they return to work.
A scanned copy of the MC, endorsed by the WA Supervisor, must be emailed to [email protected] within one week of the end of the medical leave. No-pay Leave will not be considered part of the minimum 24-week WA.
SUSS's existing insurance scheme covers students locally (refer to Student Insurance Scheme). The HO may provide further coverage for the student, particularly in situations with heightened risk or danger.
Students embarking on an Overseas WA or are required by HO of their Local WA to go on a business trip or are being seconded overseas for a period of their WA, are required to purchase travel insurance from a SUSS-appointed broker.
SUSS partners with International SOS (ISOS) to provide, among other things, emergency medical and repatriation services for SUSS students who are on overseas study missions or programmes. Hence, students are required to purchase travel insurance from a SUSS-appointed broker.
Students may refer here for more information.
Pre-Work Attachment
Before commencing your Work Attachment, please familiarise yourself with the necessary information and pre-requisites that must be satisfied.
Students embarking on WA should be able to
- contribute meaningfully to the organisation that they are working for;
- apply what they have learnt in class to business practice; and
- learn from the work experience.
To ensure that these goals are met and that students can successfully fulfil the learning outcome requirements for their WA, they need to undergo sufficient prior training. With effect from the July 2023 semester, students going for WA should have taken the following pre-requisite courses prior to the start of their WA.
School | Programme | Pre-requisite Course |
School of Business | Bachelor of Accountancy | |
School of Business | Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics with Minor | |
School of Business | Bachelor of Science in Finance with Minor | |
School of Business | Bachelor of Science in Marketing with Minor | |
School of Business | Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management with Minor | |
S R Nathan School of Human Development | Bachelor of Early Childhood Education | NIL |
S R Nathan School of Human Development | Bachelor of Human Resource Management with Minor | NIL |
S R Nathan School of Human Development | Bachelor of Social Work with Minor | NIL |
School of Humanities & Behavioural Sciences | Bachelor of Public Safety and Security with Minor | NIL |
School of Science & Technology | Information and Communication Technology | NIL |
Before Cohort 2023 (Achieved at least 80% on Canvas) | Cohort 2023 Onwards (Achieved 100% on Canvas) |
Ready-Safety-Go Training for Interns | Ready-Safety-Go Training for Interns |
WA001: Digital & Data Literacy | WA001: Career Planning & Self-Discovery |
WA002: Sustainable Development at the Workplace | WA002: Job Search and Interview Skills |
WA003: Engaging Responsibly with Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning | WA003: LinkedIn Profiles and Elevator Pitch |
WA004: From Idea to Startup | WA004: From Idea to Startup |
It will be available online on Canvas all year round, except for Exam month (April and November) for grades to be period over to SUSS Career Portal.
Students may also check the fulfilment status of these courses via SUSS Career Portal under Profile, when the course re-opens in May and December.
Completed and passed the Ready-Safety-Go Training for Interns course (From Cohort 2022 onwards).
Students may log in to SUSS Career Portal to check whether they have completed it under 'Profile'.
If not, please email the Office of Student Life to receive the link to complete it.
For Self-sourced WA, the job scope needs to be approved by students' WA Mentor and CD.
Students who wish to do a self-sourced WA need to ensure that the job description has been approved by CD by uploading it to SUSS Career Portal for it to be considered as their official WA.
During Work Attachment
In addition to submitting the deliverable items required for WA Assessment, you will also need to arrange for a mid-term review meeting with your WA Work Supervisor and your Career Mentor at the mid-point of your WA, and after you have completed the mid-term review evaluation form on SUSS Career Portal.
Mid-way through WA, the student shall arrange for the WA Mentor to meet the WA Supervisor for a Mid-Term Review at the premises of the Host Organisation (HO) to discuss, in the presence of the student:
- WA Supervisor's Feedback; and
- Student Reflection
How his / her learnings and contributions during the first half of WA will enable him / her to succeed in completing the WA, prepare him / her for graduation and be portable to his / her future work life.
In the final month of the WA, the student and the WA Supervisor shall complete the WA Final Assessment on SUSS Career Portal.
Suppose the WA Mentor receives feedback from the HO of a student's unsatisfactory performance, the student shall arrange for the WA Mentor to meet the WA Supervisor for a Final Assessment to counsel the student and decide whether that student has to re-perform his/her WA in whole or attend a Counselling Session with his / her WA Mentor.
Post Work Attachment
After concluding your Work Attachment, students will need to take note of the following:
The grades for the WA are Pass with Distinction, Pass and Fail, based on the criteria given in WA Assessment.
Students who had secured and accepted a Priority Offer or Graduate Job Offer will be awarded a "Pass", subject to submission of documents related to WA placement. To aim for a Pass with Distinction, these students may continue with the WA Assessment Centre.
Students can refer to the "Professional Readiness Experience Guidelines for Students" via SUSS Career Portal, to find out how they will be assessed for their WA.
Students on WA must complete all of the following within the stipulated deadlines:
Reflection Journal
Comprising of the first half of your WA to be uploaded to SUSS Career Portal in one Word document before your Mid-Term Review (MTR), whichever is earlier. The reflection journal template can be downloaded here.
Final Assessment by Host Organisation (HO)
To be completed and signed by the WA Supervisor in SUSS Career Portal within 14 calendar days after completing the WA.
Final Report
To be sighted by the WA Supervisor to permit redaction of any confidential information and uploaded to SUSS Career Portal within 14 calendar days after completing the WA. Students can access the final report guide here.
Assessment Centre
Scheduled to take place in every semester. Students are to look out for the invitation e-mail from CD to register for the session which will be sent out at the beginning of every semester.
Students shall have to attend a Counselling Session with his / her WA Mentor if any of the following occurs:
- Late submission of Reflection Journal
- Late submission of signed Final Assessment by HO
- Late submission of Final Report
- Unsatisfactory performance feedback by HO / WA Mentor
Students need to undergo this if any of the following occurs:
- Failure to attend a Counselling Session with his / her WA Mentor within one month from the date of the notice;
- Resignation from HO before completing WA;
- Termination by HO during WA before completing WA; or
- Unsatisfactory performance feedback by HO or WA Mentor.