Work Attachment Information Guide

Work Attachment Application Process

To kick start your work attachment application process, you may refer to opportunities shared with you either on SUSS Career Portal or you may self-source through external platforms. Unless the opportunity has been shared as "work attachment" opportunity, the jobs scopes of all opportunities sourced either from SUSS Career Portal or self-sourced should be sent to your respective career mentors for approval of its suitability to meet your respective major's WA learning objectives.

Pre-Work Attachment

Before commencing your Work Attachment, please familiarise yourself with the necessary information and pre-requisites that must be satisfied.

During Work Attachment

In addition to submitting the deliverable items required for WA Assessment, you will also need to arrange for a mid-term review meeting with your WA Work Supervisor and your Career Mentor at the mid-point of your WA, and after you have completed the mid-term review evaluation form on SUSS Career Portal.

Post Work Attachment

After concluding your Work Attachment, students will need to take note of the following: