Course Code: TLL305


In Tamil, Prosody dealing with metre and versification is considered as a branch of grammar. In Tamil prosody holds a very prominent position. There are different forms of poetry in Tamil literature such as Akaval, Kalippa, Venba, Viruttam, Paripatal, and Pannatti. Over the years, many other types of poetical compositions have come into existence, but the traditional poetic forms have remained most popular amongst renowned poets and scholars. This course exposes students to: Akaval, Kalippa,Virutham and Venba. A poem based on any of these varieties must follow certain linguistic and poetic rules of form, e.g., it should contain certain number of lines, and all the lines should consist of exactly the same number of cirs as the initial or end line.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • யாப்பிலக்கண அறிமுகம்
  • உறுப்பியல் - செய்யுள் உறுப்புகள்
  • வெண்பாவும் அவற்றின் வகைகளும்
  • ஆசிரியப்பாவும் அவற்றின் வகைகளும்
  • கலிப்பாவும் வஞ்சிப்பாவும் - அவற்றின் வகைகளும்
  • செய்யுட்கள் - பொதுச்செய்திகள் (பிற்கால வளர்ச்சி- சிந்து வகைப்பாடல்கள், தென்பாங்கு, கும்மி, தாலாட்டு, திரையிசைப் பாடல்கள்)

Learning Outcome

  • Illustrate letters and syllables in a given poem. (B3)
  • Analyze alliteration and rhymes in a poem. (B4)
  • Point out veṇpā, āciriyappā, vañcippā and kalippā and their various components. (B4)
  • Show aṭi, toṭai, taḷai, etukai and mōṉai in a poem. (B3)
  • Relate how yāppatikāram facilitates the growth of Tamil prosody. (B5)
  • Compare and contrast traditional verses with new verses. (B5)