Course Code: SOC313


SOC313 Sociology of Education will examine the relationships between education and society by reviewing a variety of theoretical perspectives and empirical studies. Topics include selected aspects of school organisation (tracking/streaming, class size, special education), social and cultural reproduction, the effect of social class on schooling outcomes, knowledge production, teaching as a profession, higher education, and globalisation and education.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • The growth of schooling in a global perspective
  • Sociological theories on education
  • Race, gender, class, and educational opportunity
  • The influence of peer groups and parents in shaping education aspirations and success in Singapore
  • Social and cultural reproduction in schools
  • Differentiated curriculum and learning outcomes in Singapore
  • Higher education and the labour market
  • Elite education and the state apparatus
  • Curricula, textbooks, and knowledge production
  • Shifts in education strategy and globalisation
  • Education change and reform
  • The future of education

Learning Outcome

  • Discuss the major sociological approaches to education
  • Analyse the relationship of education to other social institutions such as the family, government, religion, and the economy
  • Examine how students’ background characteristics shape their educational opportunities and outcomes
  • Apply course material to the analysis of educational policies, practices, and reform
  • Evaluate evidence bearing on the relation between facts and theoretical perspectives on education
  • Demonstrate communication skills in written and spoken expression