Course Code: POL201
This course covers the fundamentals of public administration, in particular the theory and practice of public administration. The course provides students with the necessary introduction on public finance and management, human resource management and fundamentals of public policy. The course will also acquaint students to ethics in the public service.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN
- What is Public Administration and why does it matter?
- The Social and Political Context of Public Administration
- Organisational Theory and Public Administration
- Public Decision Making
- Politics and Public Administration: Bureaucracy
- The Budgetary Process and Public Management
- Programme Evaluation
- Public-Sector Leadership
- Public Service Ethics
- Technology and Public Administration: E-Government
- Public Service and Popular Culture
- The Future of Public Administration
Learning Outcome
- Show knowledge of theories and concepts related to public administration.
- Analyse the relationship between politics and public administration.
- Compare and contrast the practice of public administration in different countries.
- Apply public administration concepts and theories to the Singapore context.
- Explain the importance of ethics in public administration.
- Discuss the challenges for public administration in view of the changing economic, societal and political landscapes.