Course Code: GER502
In this course, GER502 Ageing and Society in Asia, students will take a multi-dimensional perspective to the study ageing and society in Asia. Beginning with the conceptual and theoretical foundations for understanding the individual, this course will proceed to examine the social, economic, cultural and ethical implications of an ageing population within the Asian context. Various policies and initiatives relevant to ageing, such as, Healthy Cities, Active Ageing, Age Friendly City, from the World Health Organization, United Nations etc., in the Asian Region will be introduced. Current issues that cut across disciplines, such as caregiving and intergenerational tensions, changes in family dynamics resulting from global as well as local social changes, ageism in the private and public spheres will be discussed. Policies and legislations affecting older adults and their families will be debated and assessed for effectiveness. This course has a practical focus (e.g. field visit), and students will be encouraged to propose strategies to address these challenges/issues in multidisciplinary teams.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY
- Global ageing phenomenon
- Opportunities and challenges in an ageing society
- Key International Ageing related initiatives
- Social policies related to ageing in Asia
- Case Studies relevant to ageing in Asia
- Key concepts and theories of ageing
- Healthy City and Age Friendly City
- Ageing, Family and Caregiving issues
- Ageing and Health Promotion
- Ageing, work and Retirement
- Ethical issues in ageing
- Future of Ageing in Asia
Learning Outcome
- Discuss the broad multi-disciplinary perspective on the ageing process.
- Critique and meaningfully apply the major gerontological theories in the Asian context.
- Examine the issues and challenges in an ageing society.
- Assess the opportunities and challenges in an ageing society.
- Appraise the ethical, legal and social issues related to older persons.
- Prepare an ageing related case study based on the Asian context.