Course Code: ELG363


This course looks at second language acquisition and its relationship to language teaching. The textbook and the Study Guide discuss how second and foreign languages are learned. In addition to looking at recent influential theories of second language learning, the course will examine other important factors such as the personality of the learner, language teaching methodology and learner language. **Note: The ECA for this course may consist of a project that builds on data gathered in TMA01 and/or TMA02. Although RESIT students have already passed OCAS and will not submit new TMA work as part of their RESIT, these students may need to gather new data for the RESIT ECA, as specified in the guidelines of the new TMA(s). Any questions about this matter should be directed to the course AF or the programme team.**
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every July


  • Introduction; Focus Areas 1-4
  • Language Learning in Early Childhood
  • Contexts for Second Language Learning
  • Second Language Learner; Individual Differences & Learner Language
  • Second Language Learning in the Classroom
  • Second Language Learning in Singapore; Popular Ideas about Language Learning

Learning Outcome

  • Examine common attitudes about language acquisition and language learning
  • Illustrate the stages of first and second language development
  • Appraise influential theories of second language learning
  • Compose an analysis of the effectiveness of different classroom styles and teaching materials in second language learning and teaching
  • Analyse the issue of individual differences in first and second language development
  • Demonstrate knowledge of different classroom techniques and theories (e.g., by analyzing excerpts from textbooks or through classroom observation)