Course Code: BUS205


BUS205 Company Law and Tort Law equip students with an understanding of the legal principles that govern the formation, management and financing of companies in Singapore. It also introduces students to the broader topic of torts. This course will cover intentional torts, negligent torts and strict liability torts.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY


  • Singapore Legal System
  • Business Organisations: Unincorporated & Incorporated Business Entities
  • Business Organisations: Company Formation
  • Business Organisations: Company Officers, Directors and Meetings
  • Company Management
  • Company Finance
  • Company Insolvency & Winding Up
  • Intellectual Property: Patents and Trademarks
  • Intellectual Property: Copyright and Registered Designs
  • Torts: Negligence
  • Torts: Defences to Negligence Claims
  • Torts: Negligent Misstatements

Learning Outcome

  • Define different types of unincorporated and incorporated business entities in Singapre, such as the sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership and company, and explain how the concept of limited liability operates in business.
  • Explain how companies are formed, discuss the different categories of shares they can issue, and define the meaning of issues and paid-up capital.
  • Describe the key officers who manage companies, outlining the roles of company secretary and various types of directors, with a particular emphasis on the satutory and common law duties of directors.
  • Illustrate relevant regulations for the various ways that a company can raise the financing it needs, including raising equity and debt through the capital market by issuing securities.
  • Review the alternatives which are available to a company in the case where it becomes insolvent, and describe the process of winding-up if the company is to be dissolved.
  • Examine the key concepts and trends in law of torts.
  • Summarise the various elements of torts and defences to tort claims.
  • Discuss the core concept of each form of the intellectual property - Patents, Trademarks, Copyright and Registered Design.
  • Outline standards for registering, obtaining, and enforcing intellectual property rights at national, regional, and international levels.
  • Give examples of how the tort phenomenon is manifested in the Asian and Singapore contexts.
  • Apply legal principles to new situations to determine the most appropriate judgement.
  • Develop the essential knowledge and interpersonal skills to work effectively in a team.
  • Demonstrate writing proficiency.