Course Code: YWK507


YWK507 Youth Engagement and Relationship aim is to conduct a youth engagement project with a group of youths. Students will be taught how to go about planning and executing the project, whilst increasing their appreciation of the interplaying principles on positive youth development, learning, and reflection. The entire class may be separated into groups to go on the different learning journey. Before the project begins, students need to undergo some tutorial classes. This is so that they will be equipped and feel competent to work with and engage with the youths during the project. After the project, students are required to submit their project report. Instructors will provide weighted feedback to students on their observations about how students have been applying their learning in classes.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY


  • A bio-psycho-social-spiritual perspective of youth developmental needs
  • The Familial growth in multi-family group work
  • The immediate life space of youths has the greatest impact
  • Building high quality mentor-mentee relationships with youths
  • Positive relationships and engagement with youths foster growth
  • Youths’ PYD competencies profiles; understand and apply the ACT! PYD SG Framework
  • Helping youths retain learning lessons well with Bloom’s
  • SEL blended youth development are both caught and taught in out-of-school time
  • Understanding group development stages to engage youths effectively
  • Profile youths learning styles; conduct training and reflection using the Kolb’s learning model
  • ACTS Facilitation, Engagement Strategies, Learning Reflections and Retention
  • Report Writing – Referencing Styles, Types, Element and Format

Learning Outcome

  • Review and evaluate youth cultures and attitudes; and lifespan development theories with emphasis on positive youth development theories, learning and reflections.
  • Understand importance of self-care and support systems for one’s health, well-being and effectiveness in the youth work sector for purpose of reflective practices.
  • Evaluate theories and techniques for casework planning, assessment and intervention to achieve therapeutic outcomes, and relate it back to youth developmental stage and levels of stress.
  • Review contemporary literature on different development stages of youths and collaborate with stakeholders to modify existing socio-economic support mechanisms.
  • Adapt and develop appropriate intervention techniques and approaches to help youths make progress in their conduct and behaviours, even in crisis.
  • Develop evidence-informed programme and evaluation to attend to the needs and well-being of youths and relevant stakeholders.