Course Code: YWK501


Suicide rates continue to increase globally. In Singapore, SOS reported in the August 3, 2020, The Straits Times that suicide remains the leading cause of death for people aged 10 to 29, adding that the number of suicides among the 20 to 29 age cohort remains highest compared with other age groups. YWK501 Youth Suicide and Prevention aims to present and share the work of leading researchers and clinicians locally and overseas, by providing a concise review of recent literature, discuss solutions achieved and provide practical guidance for youth care to aid understanding and help prevent suicide. Each lesson provides pertinent information covering aspects of the field, from epidemiology and theories of causation through to treatment and prevention. This course will educate practitioners working with youths and other health care workers, as well as providing a pathway for graduate students interested in furthering their understanding of the complexities surrounding suicide.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • Understanding suicide – Global epidemiology
  • Understanding suicide – Identification and screening
  • Understanding suicide – High-risk cognitive states
  • Suicide comorbidities – Current and chronic signs and symptoms
  • Suicide comorbidities – Anxiety and depression: epidemiology, pathophysiology, and
  • Suicide comorbidities – Personality disorder, substance use disorders, and eating disorder
  • Special population – During pregnancy and the postpartum period
  • Special population – Childhood and adolescence
  • Special population – Bullying and suicidality in youth and college students
  • Treatment – Psychosocial approaches to reduce suicidal behaviour
  • Suicide prevention – Safety planning to prevent suicidal behaviour
  • Suicide prevention – Contracting for safety

Learning Outcome

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the underlying causes, signs, symptoms, assessment and intervention techniques related to youth mental health and suicide.
  • Review and apply the standard of care and professional code of conduct, ethics and values to safeguard and promote the best interests of youths.
  • Evaluate the principles underpinning systems and resources of safety policies, procedures and programmes, and risk assessment theories and frameworks relating to youth mental health and suicide.
  • Facilitate discussions and learnings on emerging youth mental health and suicide issues and develop intervention programmes and policies to reduce risk and recurrence.
  • Review standard of care, procedures and programmes of health and safety and compliance relating to youth mental health and suicide.
  • Adapt the appropriate risk assessment frameworks to suit the unique requirements of youth mental health and suicide cases.