Course Code: TSL505


TSL 505 Sociolinguistics and Education explores fundamental concepts and theories in sociolinguistics. Variation in language and language use are considered in relation to the variables of location, class, culture, gender, change and ideology. Special attention is placed on how an understanding of the operation of these variables bears on the issues of language policy, planning and education practice in Singapore and elsewhere.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY


  • Languages, dialects, styles and registers
  • Pidgin and creole languages
  • Regional variation, social variation and variation studies
  • Diglossia, code-switching and code-mixing
  • The ethnography of communication
  • Language and culture
  • Language and gender
  • Language and disadvantage
  • Language change
  • Language planning
  • Bilingualism and multilingualism
  • Sociolinguistics and language teaching

Learning Outcome

  • Examine the fundamental concepts of sociolinguistics
  • Discuss the major theories of sociolinguistics
  • Analyse the relation between language and culture
  • Evaluate the issue of language, gender and disadvantage
  • Critique the issue of bilingualism/multilingualism, language policy and planning
  • Appraise the impact of sociolinguistic processes on classroom practices