Course Code: SOC367


Southeast Asian societies are extraordinarily diverse and dynamic. To help students make sense of the multifaceted political, economic, and social developments of the region, SOC367 Southeast Asian Societies will cover selected key thematic issues, including legacies of colonisation and the Cold War period, nation-building, political economies of development, ethnic and religious diversity, kinship, family and gender systems, as well as major political, economic, and social issues of today. We will examine the region’s continuing struggles over democratisation, national identity, and uneven development. The main readings will include key works from a multidisciplinary range of fields covering sociology, anthropology, geography, political science, history, and economics.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN


  • Introduction: The invention of SEA as a social space
  • Colonialism and colonialisms
  • Nationalism and nationalisms
  • Nation and ethnicity
  • Religion and the state
  • Political economy
  • Environment
  • Class and stratification
  • Gender stratification
  • Age/generation stratification
  • Migration
  • Urbanisation

Learning Outcome

  • Examine colonialisms, nationalisms, and nation-state building in the region
  • Analyse political systems and reform in the region
  • Discuss the major economic and social challenges in the region
  • Apply course content to understand contemporary political and social developments in the region
  • Evaluate the many ways different Southeast Asian states address various social and political issues
  • Demonstrate skills in sociological thinking and written and spoken expression