Course Code: SOC363


With the unprecedented phenomenon of global ageing, the study of the ageing process and older populations has gained significance. Social gerontology focuses on the social aspect of ageing and its attendant effects. As individuals age, so do families and societies. What are the consequences of an ageing population? With longer life expectancy, individuals have an elongated social history. By applying relevant theories and concepts, students will deepen their understanding of the losses and gains seniors experience as they age. Issues related to caregiving by formal and informal carers will be analysed with the use of case studies and local research findings. The family, community and government’s roles as partners in caring for the seniors will be examined through interactive discussion. Productive and active ageing concepts will be discussed, bearing in mind the obstacles faced by older people in society. The heterogeneity of the older population in terms of gender, disability and culture is given due attention, as the module aims at deepening the understanding of the multidimensional ageing journey through time.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every January


  • Macro view of social gerontology
  • Micro view of the ageing phenomenon
  • Formal and informal caregivers
  • Caregiving: Economic and Political aspects
  • Productive & Active Ageing
  • Diversity: gender, disability & culture

Learning Outcome

  • Examine the implications of population ageing
  • Apply the life course perspective
  • Review the biological, psychological and socio-cultural process of ageing
  • Analyse the relationship between care giving and the social exchange theory of ageing
  • Appraise the Singapore policies and legislations related to ageing and retirement
  • Develop broadened perspectives on death, palliative care, elder abuse and neglect
  • Compose a nuanced picture of productive and active ageing
  • Illustrate the heterogeneity of older populations
  • Relate the importance of gender, disability, and cultural perspectives to the study of ageing.
  • Practise interviewing skills
  • Organise research and empirical data
  • Formulate strategies for an ageing population