Course Code: OGP171
OGP171 Chinese Culture: From Traditional to Contemporary is an introductory-level course. The course introduces students to traditional Chinese culture and its place in modern Chinese society, as well as essential topics on Singaporean Chinese culture and Singapore’s multi-cultural heritage. At the end of the course, students will be able to describe and discuss the relationship between traditional and contemporary Chinese culture, local Chinese culture, and Singapore’s multicultural heritage, as well as communicate effectively and show cultural depth in interactions with their Chinese counterparts. The topics in the course will be covered in 18 hours of online, synchronous sessions and another 18 hours of online, asynchronous learning. The course is conducted in Chinese. Students will be assessed through their participation during lessons, a quiz, an individual assignment, a group-based ssignment and an end-of-course assessment.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY
- Introduction to Chinese Culture: From Traditional to Contemporary (从传统中华文化到新加坡华族文化的过渡)
- Introduction to Singapore's Multi-Cultural Heritage (新加坡多元文化概述)
- Traditional Chinese Festivals and Folklore (传统中华节日和民俗)
- Singapore Local Festivals and Folklore (新加坡本土节日和民俗)
- Chinese Food Culture (中华饮食文化)
- Singapore Local Food Culture(新加坡本土饮食文化)
- Famous Persons in China: From Ancient to Contemporary (中华文化中的名人)
- Famous Persons in Singapore (新加坡本土文化中的名人)
- Chinese Characters: Fun Talk (汉字趣谈)
- Chinese Language in Singapore and China (汉语与新加坡华语)
- Cyber Culture in China(中国网络文化)
- Chinese Popular Culture 华语流行文化)
Learning Outcome
- Show basic knowledge of Chinese culture, Singaporean Chinese culture and Singapore’s multi-cultural heritage.
- Outline key cultural phenomena in relation to Chinese culture, Singaporean Chinese culture and Singapore’s multi-cultural heritage.
- Describe the relationship between Chinese culture and Singaporean Chinese culture, and Singapore’s multi-cultural heritage.
- Illustrate the differences between Chinese culture and Singaporean Chinese culture, and Singapore’s multi-cultural heritage.
- Discuss cultural phenomena using knowledge gained from the course.
- Apply knowledge from the course to communicate effectively and appropriately in different professional and social occasions.