Course Code: OEL313


OEL313 Public Safety and Security from a Global Perspective will provide students with exposure to, and an understanding of, culturally contextual service provision in overseas countries. In most circumstances, students enrolled in OEL313 will spend one week overseas meeting and talking with individuals who are leading experts in their home country’s public safety and security sectors. The course will incorporate opportunities for students to learn from: • Experts from the academic, government, non-government, and private sectors. • Experts who may not traditionally be considered as working in the public safety and security sector but whose work nonetheless improves the perceived and actual safety and security of individuals within their communities and/or countries. • Experts who work for agencies that may be unfamiliar in the Singaporean public safety and security context, or have innovative approaches to practice that may be unfamiliar in the Singaporean context. While overseas, students will also have the opportunity to meet and talk with university students enrolled in public safety and security-related courses, and to visit national social, political, economic, and cultural institutions. Students are expected to fully participate in the course, including actively engaging with other students and with professionals in the field of public safety and security. Students are also expected to work cooperatively with each other to explore, understand, and analyse the material and information they are exposed to throughout the course. The overall aims of the course are for students to be exposed to new or innovative initiatives and ideas, explore similarities and differences between Singaporean and overseas models of service delivery, and consider the potential application of global approaches to public safety and security into the Singaporean context.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every semester


  • Definitions of public safety and security
  • Contemporary and emerging global public safety and security threats.
  • Implications of global public safety and security threats
  • Introduction to leading global public safety and security experts
  • Engaging with leading global public safety and security experts
  • Working in partnership with other students
  • Key social, political, economic, and cultural characteristics of hosts countries.
  • Unique public safety and security threats in host countries
  • Innovative strategies to mitigate public safety and security threats in host countries
  • Relevance of host country public safety and security landscape in Singapore
  • Application of host country public safety and security landscape in Singapore
  • Benefits of host country public safety and security landscape in Singapore

Learning Outcome

  • Explain contemporary issues related to definitions of public safety and security
  • Illustrate contemporary and emerging global public safety and security threats
  • Examine key social, political, economic, and cultural characteristics of host countries
  • Demonstrate the ability to interact and engage with professionals in the field of public safety and security
  • Discuss global public safety and security practice
  • Differentiate between the public safety and security landscape in host country and Singapore
  • Appraise global public safety and security practice in the Singapore context