Course Code: MGT551


The workplace of the future is a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous place. With the evolution of Industry 4.0, design innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, robotics, internet of things (IoT) and big data are rapidly changing the fundamental nature of how people live and work. Companies need to understand the impact of these changes on contemporary work practices and design a secure future workplace amidst this digital disruption. This course examines organizational work design strategies that businesses, employees and designers can adopt to find new opportunities in the changing market landscape.
Level: 2.5
Credit Units: 2.5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY REGULAR SEMESTER


  • Framework for Possible Work Futures
  • Technological Disruption in the Workplace
  • Human, Automation and Artificial Intelligence in the Future of Work
  • Developing Effective Human-Machine Relationships
  • Adapting to the Evolving Landscape
  • Benefits for Developing a Polymathic Mindset

Learning Outcome

  • Formulate insights from the main changes in today’s workforce, considering technological shifts, evolving job roles, and globalisation impacts
  • Appraise the skills and attributes that managers, employees, and businesses need in a speculative and technologically enhanced future
  • Prioritise the importance of unique human attributes in increasingly automated workplaces
  • Evaluate challenging issues related to potential change in processes, people and automation that might impact the future of work
  • Develop the desired organisational culture in alignment with the organisation’s business imperatives
  • Prepare employees to navigate and overcome the evolving challenges and stressors of the modern workplace by cultivating their resilience and fortitude
  • Design workforce strategies for future workplaces