Course Code: LOG345


The rapidly expanding airline industry has an essential role in the functioning of the global economy and its continuous growth. LOG345 Airline Operations and Planning aims to develop the skills required to manage key aspects of an airline from the marketing department through to the flight operations department. The main topics include historical developments in the airline industry, airline network structure, airline pricing strategies, scheduling of resources, ground handling operations, and airline finance, marketing, and customers. The course will also cover detailed operational aspects including air law, safety and quality systems, fuel planning and contingencies, resource management, requirements, and planning, and the transport of dangerous goods. These operational components will provide an understanding of the considerations by flight operations personnel including pilots, flight dispatchers, flight controllers and safety departments in their daily undertakings.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every January


  • Historical Perspective in the Airline Industry
  • Airline Network Structure
  • Scheduling of Resources
  • Airline Pricing Strategies
  • Airline Finance and Financial Management
  • Airline Customers and Marketing
  • Ground Handling Operations
  • Air Law
  • Safety and Quality Systems
  • Fuel Planning and Contingencies
  • Resource Management, Requirements and Planning
  • Transport of Dangerous Goods

Learning Outcome

  • Determine the considerations for the transport of dangerous goods for a given scenario.
  • Examine the principles of finance, financial management, and marketing for airlines.
  • Appraise the importance of revenue management and scheduling of resources in airlines.
  • Compute fuel requirements for a given flight scenario.
  • Verify the application and limitations of safety and quality management in airline operation.
  • Indicate the elements and trade-offs involved in developing an airline network structure.