Course Code: ICT374


The basic functions of external procurement in SAP ERPConsumption-based planningOther functions of purchasingLogistics invoice verification functionsgoods movements in the SAP system and perform relevant implementations for special functionsPrepare and perform a physical inventory of warehouse stockMake Customizing settings in materials management.This course does not carry a Grade Point Value (GPV), but it will count towards fulfilling the credit requirements of the degree.
Level: 20
Credit Units: 20
Presentation Pattern: EVERY REGULAR SEMESTER


  • Management Empowered by SAP ERP
  • Procure to Pay
  • SAP Navigation 2005
  • Introduction to SAP Solution Manager
  • Procurement I
  • Procurement II

Learning Outcome

  • Possess fundamental understanding of the Procurement functionality in SAP
  • Able to apply this knowledge as a solution consultant in a team setting.