Course Code: HFSY355
The Course introduces the legal context within which health and safety practitioners operate. Students will be exposed to local safety guidelines, standards and legislations including Singapore’s Workplace Safety and Health Act, Work Injury Compensation Act and related statutes. Common Law negligence and its application; employer’s duty and occupier’s liability shall be discussed during the seminars to give students sufficient knowledge to understand how they are applied to workplace safety and health related situations. An introduction and comparison to occupational safety and health standards and the laws governing these areas outside of Singapore, namely, in Europe, England and the United States shall be discussed briefly.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN
- Introduction to Common Law Negligence
- WSHA and Subsidiary legislations
- WICA and its administration
- Related Legislations and Code of Practices
- International standards and practices
- Legal framework for health and safety issues
Learning Outcome
- Analyse the subsidiary legislations that apply to Workplace Safety and Health Laws in Singapore.
- Examine the tenets of the common law principles of negligence.
- Appraise the different occupational safety and health laws applicable within and outside Singapore.
- Discuss the relevant laws.
- Apply the legislations and common law knowledge to situations and incidents at the workplace and actual accident situations from the past.
- Construct case scenarios by application of the knowledge acquired in the seminar.
- Illustrate the compliance standards required and provide remedial solutions.