Course Code: GSP169
This course introduces the study of religion and discusses some of the themes that relate to religion in the modern world. Religion continues to be an important feature of the modern world. Global events and developments, including conflicts and crises, could be precipitated by religious movements or motivations. At the same time, religions also play a critical role in forging harmony and peaceful relations between communities. We do not assess nor judge the truth-claims or the worldviews of religions, but we seek to understand what these are, why they exist and how they have been preserved over time, as part of our larger attempt to better understand human societies. Through an exploration of different religions guided by academic curiosity and respect for differences, students will be able to appreciate religious diversity whilst recognising key challenges that could threaten social cohesion and peaceful co-existence.
Level: 2.5
Credit Units: 2.5
Presentation Pattern: ALL SEMESTERS
- Definition of religion
- Reasons for studying religion
- Religious traditions
- Religious communities
- Religion in society
- Future of religion
Learning Outcome
- Discuss the concept of religion.
- Describe the origins, sources and teachings of the five religions studied in the course (Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity).
- Identify the role of religion in society.
- Explain the concept of religious diversity in the modern world and its social impact.
- Demonstrate understanding of comparative studies of the religions and integrate this understanding into practical knowledge.
- Develop respect, tolerance and empathy for religious differences.