Course Code: GSP160


This course teaches students to adapt their writing for the academic context, beginning with the basic principles of critical reading and writing skills, such as summarising, paraphrasing, quoting, and synthesising information from various texts. Students will learn to critically evaluate information for use in assignments, select and incorporate information from different sources, and document such information following referencing conventions. This course will also cover the development and defence of thesis statements through effective arguments, and the structuring of academic essays. All of these skills are critical competencies that can be applied to other disciplines and in various assignments.
Level: 2.5
Credit Units: 2.5
Presentation Pattern: ALL SEMESTERS


  • What Is Academic Writing and Writing as a Process
  • Reading Critically
  • Working with Multiple Sources
  • Summarising, Paraphrasing & Quoting
  • Synthesising
  • Writing a Persuasive Argumentative Essay
  • Understanding Fallacies

Learning Outcome

  • Cite sources in writing using the proper citation and referencing style
  • Interpret information criticallly from various sources to respond to a task
  • Relate information from various sources in writing in response to a given task
  • Develop a rhetorical structure of an essay
  • Apply persuasive argumentative writing strategies in response to a given task