Course Code: ELG105
Understanding how language affects social life and its role in human communication is essential for anyone interested in or working in the fields of communication, child development and language teaching. This course introduces the theories and basic concepts in language variation, first and second language acquisition, language processing and language and neurology. It aims to provide students with foundation concepts and skills in the study of language use and language processing, that may also serve as the basis for more in-depth study of sociolinguistics, language acquisition and psycholinguistics.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every semester
- Language Universals and Dialects
- Social and Stylistic Variation
- Language Acquisition I
- Language Acquisition II
- Processing Language
- Mind and Language
Learning Outcome
- Define central concepts in the study of language use and language processing
- Discuss the key points of important issues in the study of language systems in relation to language use and language processing
- Explain key concepts related to the study of language use and language processing
- State an informed opinion on basic linguistic issues
- Respond to claims about language teaching and language-related fields based on knowledge of concepts and theories from the study of language systems
- Apply linguistic concepts to natural language data