Course Code: CTI213
This course is designed to train and enhance students’ competence in translating legal documents. It highlights the salient features of the legal system and introduces the students to the various types of legal documents and outlines the linguistic features of each type of the legal documents. The key principles, criteria, techniques and strategies that are specific to the translation of each type of legal documents are discussed. The course also examines the characteristics of legal terminology in both English and Chinese and helps the students to develop the necessary skills and tools in translating legal terms. The course offers students opportunities to acquire hands-on practice in translating a variety of legal texts from English to Chinese and vice versa.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: Every January
- An Introduction to Legal Translation
- Linguistic Features of Legal Texts and Lexicon
- Principles and Criteria of Translating Legal Documents
- Process and methodology of translating legal document
- Translating Common Sentence Patterns and Terms in Legal Documents
- Translating Litigation Documents
Learning Outcome
- Compare the linguistic features of different types of legal documents and apply the appropriate tools and methods in translating the relevant texts.
- Demonstrate competence in handling terminologies, sentence patterns and expressions that are commonly used in legal documents.
- Use the appropriate methods and strategies in translating various types of legal documents from English to Chinese and vice versa.
- Appraise the effectiveness of the translation of legal documents based on the established criteria and principles.
- Practice the translation of legal documents (e.g. agreement, contracts, legal letters and court documents) with considerable quality, speed, and with appropriate formats, conventions, styles and features.