Course Code: COU508
The supervision practicum in couple and family therapy aims to expand individual style with the purpose of helping trainee therapists become more versatile, and able to adapt into working with diverse family systems/ subsystems from different social status and service settings. It is also designed to create a greater awareness of the person within one’s family-of-origin, as well as explore the development of the person-of-the-therapist. The course will also examine how systemic therapy is used to work with individual(s).
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN
- Common Factors in System Family Therapy
- Conceptual, Perceptual and Execution Skills
- Initial Systemic Hypothesizing
- Engagement: Who Should Come To Therapy?
- Inviting Reluctant Family Members To Therapy
- Systemic Assessment Guidelines
- Systemic Family Therapy Interventions
- Basic Treatment Skills
- Therapeutic Alliance in Systemic Family Therapy
- Who and What Is Responsible For Therapeutic Change?
- Getting Clients Fired Up For A Change
- Ethical And Moral Issues in Systemic Couple And Family Therapy
Learning Outcome
- Critique the theoretical and conceptual framework of relevant systemic family therapy models
- Appraise the common factors of change in systemic family therapy
- Assess the interpersonal and/or intrapsychic issues which affect the effectiveness of one’s own practice efforts
- Select the clinical skills needed to assess the presenting couple/ family issues from a systemic perspective
- Choose the systemic family therapy strategies and skills in working with different problems and issues in local contexts
- Select the appropriate couple and family therapy strategies/ techniques