Course Code: CHS203
Ancient Chinese literature has a long and rich history, which includes Pre-Qin literature, Han Dynasty literature; Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties literature; Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties literature; Song and Yuan literature; Ming and Qing literature, etc. The literary content involves poetry and prose, novels and dramas, etc of various historical periods. Focusing on the development context, basic characteristics, selected writers and their literary works in various historical periods, this course will introduce the literary styles and characteristics from the pre- Qin period to the Tang Dynasty to deepen students’ understanding of ancient Chinese literature and Chinese cultural traditions.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JAN
- Definition of Chinese Literature and Characteristics of Chinese Literature History 中国文学的定义,中国文学史的特色
- Introduction to Pre-Qin Literature 先秦文学概说
- Introduction to Hanfu (poetry in Han Dynasty) 汉赋概说
- An overview of Han Dynasty historical thought, prose and poetry 汉代史传思想散文、汉乐府诗歌概说
- Jian'an Literature 建安文学
- Literature of Jin Dynasty 两晋文学
- Southern Dynasty Literature 南朝文学
- Northern Dynasty Literature 北朝文学
- Sui Dynasty Literature 隋代文学
- Tang Poetry 唐诗
- Tang Novels and “bianwen” 唐传奇、变文
- Classical Prose Movement in Tang Dynasty 唐古文运动
Learning Outcome
- 阐述中国古典文学史
- 描述中国各个时代的文学思潮
- 检视相关的文学观念、思潮和文学现象
- 阐明不同时期中国文学的特点
- 分析重要作家的文学成就
- 运用所学知识提高阅读和理解中国经典文本的能力