Course Code: BME359
This course compromises fundamental principles, underlying theories and detailed discussions of innovative imaging methods, novel visualisation techniques, new processing algorithms, image modelling, and biomedical applications useful in medical training.
Level: 5
Credit Units: 5
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY
- Introduction to Imaging Science and Image Acquisition
- Image Representation, Display, Communications and Databases
- Image Visualisation
- Image Processing and Analysis
- Biomedical Application: Functional Thermal Imaging
- Biomedical Applications Cardiac Motion Analysis from MRI and CT
Learning Outcome
- Demonstrate specific skills such as latest innovative imaging methods, and novel visualisation techniques.
- Examine the role of IT in a variety of contexts for visualisation and image analysis.
- Use key mathematical concepts, methods, theories and visualisation techniques necessary to support the areas of biomedical imaging.
- Recommend suitable imaging analysis tools for clinical and biological applications.
- Solve problems using related visualisation/imaging software tools relevant to the area of study.
- Appraise the use of and developments in area of visualisation and medical image analysis.
- Organize and manage own learning and performance to suit own situation and style.
- Prepare a clear project report in a given format using appropriate technical language.