Tuition Fees: Graduate Programmes & Courses
The amount of course fees you pay in each semester depends on the number of courses you take in that semester. The course fees cover all study materials, classes, tutor supervision, assignments and examinations. They do not include fees for textbooks and other additional items specified by Singapore University of Social Sciences from time to time.
There may be additional items that are not covered by the tuition fee. These could include items such as additional recommended textbooks, re-sit examination fee, etc.
From July 2022 semester, all new graduate programme students who are Singapore Citizens, Singapore Permanent Residents or other residents will pay an annual miscellaneous fee of $20.00 (subject to prevailing GST). The miscellaneous fee consists of items such as CLASS copyright licensing fees, computer fees, student card, etc.
All international students are required to hold a valid Student's Pass issued by the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) for their studies at SUSS, and will pay an annual miscellaneous fee of S$380.00 (subject to prevailing GST). The miscellaneous fee consists of items such as CLASS copyright licensing fees, computer fees, student card, student insurance, etc. For more information on the Student Insurance Scheme, please click here.
There may be additional items that are not covered by the tuition fees. These could include items such as additional recommended textbooks, resit examination fee, etc.
1) SkillsFuture Credit
i) Opening SkillsFuture Credit
The SkillsFuture Credit aims to encourage individuals to take ownership of their skills development and lifelong learning. All Singapore Citizens (SCs) aged 25 and above will receive an opening Credit of S$500. There is no expiry date to this opening Credit.
ii) One-Off SkillsFuture Credit Top-Up
To support Singaporeans to continue learning, the Government will provide a one-off SkillsFuture Credit Top-Up of $500 for all eligible Singaporeans on 1 October 2020 and will expire in five years (by 31 December 2025).
Singapore Citizen students may use both their SkillsFuture Credit to pay their tuition fees at Singapore University of Social Sciences.
Visit the SkillsFuture Credit website for SkillsFuture Credit-eligible courses.
View the list of FAQs on SkillsFuture Credit
2) SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy
Singapore Citizens (SC) aged 40 and above who are pursuing MOE-subsidised part-time undergraduate programmes with the University will enjoy higher subsidy from 1 July 2015. The availability of the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy will be tied to a SC student's eligibility for the Government Subsidy. Hence, a SC student must be eligible for the Government Subsidy in order to be eligible for the enhanced subsidy.
With this enhanced subsidy, SC students aged 40 and above (to be counted based on the year which he/she turns 40 years old) will pay tuition fees that are lower than the standard subsidised fees payable by other SC students who are below 40 years old.
The SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy and course fee concession scheme are mutually exclusive. As such, students who enjoy the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy will not enjoy any fee concessions.
View the list of FAQs on SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy
3) Additional SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career Support)
As at 31 December 2020, a one-off SkillsFuture Credit of S$500 is provided to every Singapore Citizen (SC) aged 40 to 60 (inclusive) to improve individuals' access to career transition programmes. Eligible individuals can use this additional credit on (i) SGUnited Skills Programme, (ii) SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme - Company Training, and (iii) Career Transition Programmes. From 1 April 2022, the Additional SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career Support) can also be used for SkillsFuture Career Transition Programmes.
Courses eligible under this SkillsFuture Mid-Career Support Package has been expanded with effect from 1 June 2022, including full qualification programmes delivered by Institutes of Higher Learning. The expiry date for this top-up will be lifted. Any balance from the 2020 top-up will be merged with the new $4,000 top-up.
View the list of FAQs on SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career Support)For more information on SkillsFuture, please refer to or call SkillsFuture hotline at +65 6883 5885.
Selected courses in some graduate programmes fall under the SkillsFuture Series funding, and students who take these SkillsFuture courses may enjoy fee subsidies (for Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents only). Terms and conditions apply.
SUSS reserves the right to cancel, amend or change the terms and conditions under which its courses and programmes are offered without prior notice.
Singapore University of Social Sciences offers the following course fee concessions:
- Applicants who are 60 years old and above will enjoy 20% course fee concession.
- Alumni (Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral programmes) of Singapore University of Social Sciences and Singapore Institute of Management will enjoy 20% course fee concession.
Students will enjoy only one of the two categories of concession. The above concessions are applicable to all programmes (excluding Graduate Certificate) offered by the University unless specified otherwise.
They are not applicable to students under any scholarship or sponsorship schemes, SkillsFuture funded courses as well as courses offered with external institutions/organisations. The concessions are also not to be used concurrently with any other concessions.
Concession for First Two Master's Courses
To encourage further education and upgrading by alumni, Singapore University of Social Sciences Alumni (Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral programmes ) will also enjoy an additional 30% course fee concession for the first two master's courses when they enrol for a Graduate Diploma and/or Master's programme with the University. The enhanced course fee concession scheme is subject to the following:
- Alumni must not be receiving any company sponsorships or scholarships.
- There will be no cap on the number of Master's programmes. However, alumni must fulfil all requirements for the conferment of the current Master's programme before being eligible for the enhanced course fee concession for the next Master's programme.
- Alumni enrolled into the Professional Conversion Programme (PCP) e.g. the Master of Social Work programme, and who received funding will be eligible for the enhanced concession should they proceed to the Master's programme upon completion of the Graduate Diploma.
- Alumni taking vendor and/or partner programmes or SkillsFuture funded courses will not be eligible for the enhanced course fee concession.
- Alumni who transfer to another Master's programme during their candidature will not enjoy the enhanced course fee concession of 50% again for the Master's programme which they are transferring to.
- To find out more about our Alumni Continuing Education and Concession Schemes click here.
For newly enrolled students, if written notice of withdrawal or deferment is given within 2 weeks of semester commencement, a full refund of the fees paid will be given. No refund will be given for withdrawal or deferment thereafter.
Current students who leave the University after the fee payment deadline for the semester, either through withdrawal on their own accord or termination of candidature by the University, will be liable to pay fees for the entire semester.
To expedite the administrative process, you are strongly encouraged to submit your notice of withdrawal or deferment to the University via Student Portal.