Tuition Fees: Full-time Undergraduate Programmes & Courses
Academic Year 2024

Tuition fees paid each semester are dependent on the number of courses taken. Tuition fees cover all study materials, classes, assignments and examinations. However, they do not include fees for textbooks and other additional items specified by Singapore University of Social Sciences from time to time.

You can pay your tuition fee via one of the various payment modes.

The subsidised fees for Singapore Citizens (SC) and Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) exclude GST as this is separately subsidised by the government. The amounts listed for International Students (IS) and Unsubsidised Students are inclusive of prevailing GST.

Accountancy courses:

CoursesFee per course
(Not receiving tuition grant; inclusive of prevailing GST)
Singapore CitizensSingapore Permanent Residents

ASEAN International Students (Inclusive of prevailing GST)

All Other International Students (Inclusive of prevailing GST)
2.5 cuS$429S$686S$931S$1,044S$1,908
5 cuS$857S$1,371S$1,861S$2,089S$3,815
10 cuS$1,714S$2,742S$3,723S$4,178S$7,630

Non-Accountancy courses:

CoursesFee per course
(Not receiving tuition grant; inclusive of prevailing GST)
Singapore CitizensSingapore Permanent ResidentsASEAN International Students (Inclusive of prevailing GST)

All Other International Students (Inclusive of prevailing GST)

2.5 cuS$408S$682S$927S$1,040S$1,979
5 cuS$815S$1,363S$1,854S$2,081S$3,957
10 cuS$1,630S$2,726S$3,707S$4,160S$7,914

Some courses in the full-time programmes are 2.5-cu courses, for example SUSS Core, electives. Most courses are 5-cu courses. The exceptions are the Integrative Course and the Applied Project, which are 10-cu courses. 

ProgrammesEstimated Total Fees Per Programme (For 4 Years)
(Not receiving tuition grant; inclusive of prevailing GST)
Singapore CitizensSingapore Permanent ResidentsASEAN International Students (Inclusive of prevailing GST)All Other International Students (Inclusive of prevailing GST)
Business AnalyticsS$30,000S$50,400S$68,400S$76,800S$134,070
Chinese StudiesS$30,000S$50,400S$68,400S$76,800S$134,070
Early Childhood EducationS$30,000S$50,400S$68,400S$76,800S$134,070
Human Resource ManagementS$30,000S$50,400S$68,400S$76,800S$134,070
Information and Communication TechnologyS$30,000S$50,400S$68,400S$76,800S$134,070
Public Safety and SecurityS$30,000S$50,400S$68,400S$76,800S$134,070
Social WorkS$30,000S$50,400S$68,400S$76,800S$134,070
Supply Chain ManagementS$30,000S$50,400S$68,400S$76,800S$134,070

For Singapore Permanent Residents and International Students, should there be a change in your Nationality, you MUST inform Student Services at [email protected] as this will impact your tuition fees.

For example, a Singapore Permanent Resident obtaining Singapore Citizenship status, or an International Student obtaining Singapore Permanent Resident status.

Additional Notes:

  1. Full-time undergraduate students who are eligible for Tuition Grants from the Ministry of Education (MOE) pay subsidised fees. Students who are not eligible for the MOE Tuition Grant will pay unsubsidised fees. Singapore Permanent Resident students and International students are required to sign a Tuition Grant Agreement with MOE if they choose to opt for the Tuition Grant Scheme. Details will be provided after matriculation.

  2. National Servicemen will pay the respective tuition fees (along with any increase in tuition fees) for the year in which they were offered a place in the University for which they accepted.

  3. The subsidised fees for Singapore Citizens (SC) and Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR) exclude GST which is separately subsidised by the government. The amounts listed for International Students (IS) and Unsubsidised Students are inclusive of prevailing GST. The prevailing GST is 9% with effect from 1 Jan 2024.

  4. Full-time Singapore Citizen and Singapore Permanent Resident students will pay an annual miscellaneous fee of S$200.00 (subject to prevailing GST). Full-time International Students will pay an annual miscellaneous fee of S$380.00 (subject to prevailing GST). The miscellaneous fees consist of items such as CLASS copyright licensing fees, computer fees, student insurance, etc. For more information on the Student Insurance Scheme, please click here

  5. Students may take part-time courses as part of their full-time undergraduate degree requirements. Fees payable for the part-time courses will be based on the prevailing part-time tuition fees. For more information on the part-time tuition fees, please click here. Depending on the courses taken, the total tuition fees per programme may differ from the estimated total tuition fees per programme as indicated in the above table.

  6. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) consists of the following Member States: Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; Indonesia; Lao PDR; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Viet Nam. For more information, please refer to

  7. All fees are reviewed annually and may be revised. The University reserves the right to adjust the fees without prior notice.

  8. The fee structure for SUSS Core Electives and Minor courses is the same as in the part-time programmes.

  9. Students who do not meet fee payment deadlines imposed by the University will incur penalty fees. If fees are not paid or are partially paid by the due date indicated in the bill, a late fee will be imposed. For students with outstanding payment, the University reserves the right to take further action as deemed necessary; including barring such students from course registrations in a subsequent semester, cancelling such students' current course registration, withholding results slips or transcripts, and withholding the confirmation of the award of the degree.

  10. SkillsFuture Credit
    1. Opening SkillsFuture Credit (SFC1)
      The SkillsFuture Credit aims to encourage individuals to take ownership of their skills development and lifelong learning. All Singapore Citizens (SCs) aged 25 and above will receive an opening Credit of S$500. There is no expiry date to this opening Credit.

    2. One-Off SkillsFuture Credit Top-Up (SFC2)
      At Budget 2020, the Government announced a one-off SkillsFuture Credit Top-Up of S$500 for every Singapore Citizen aged 25 years and above as at 31 December 2020. This SkillsFuture Credit Top-Up will be available from 1 October 2020, and will expire in five years (by 31 December 2025).

      In view of the current challenging economic conditions due to COVID-19, the access to the SkillsFuture Credit Top-Up has been brought forward to 1 April 2020 for courses offered by the Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs).

      Singapore Citizen students may use both SFC1 and/or SFC2 to pay their tuition fees at Singapore University of Social Sciences.

    3. Additional SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career Support)

    As at 31 December 2020,  a one-off SkillsFuture Credit of S$500 is provided to every Singapore Citizen (SC) aged 40 to 60 (inclusive) to improve individuals' access to career transition programmes. Eligible individuals can use this additional credit on (i) SGUnited Skills Programme, (ii) SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme - Company Training, and (iii) Career Transition Programmes. From 1 April 2022, the Additional SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career Support) can also be used for SkillsFuture Career Transition Programmes.

    To provide more support for mid-career Singaporeans, the Government will provide a S$4,000 SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career) top-up to all eligible Singaporeans in the year they turn 40 years old. The credit will have no expiry date.

    Courses eligible under this SkillsFuture Mid-Career Support Package has been expanded with effect from 1 June 2022, including full qualification programmes delivered by Institutes of Higher Learning. The expiry date for this top-up will be lifted. Any balance from the 2020 top-up will be merged with the new S$4,000 top-up.

    Visit the SkillsFuture Credit website for SkillsFuture Credit-eligible courses.

    View the list of FAQs on SkillsFuture Credit
    View the list of FAQs on SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career Support)

  11. Refund Policy
    For newly enrolled students, if written notice of withdrawal or deferment is given within 2 weeks of semester commencement, a full refund of the fees paid will be given. No refund will be given for withdrawal or deferment thereafter.

    Current students who leave the University after the fee payment deadline for the semester, either through withdrawal on their own accord or termination of candidature by the University, will be liable to pay fees for the entire semester.

    To expedite the administrative process, you are strongly encouraged to submit your notice of withdrawal or deferment to the University via Student Portal.

Miscellaneous Service Charges

There may be additional items that are not covered by the tuition fees. These could include items such as additional recommended textbooks, re-sit examination fees, etc. You may view the other fees here.


Tuition Grant

The Tuition Grant Scheme was introduced by the Government to subsidise the high cost of tertiary education in Singapore.


The TGS is extended to Singapore Citizens (SC), Singapore Permanent Residents (PR) or International Students (IS) enrolled for full-time undergraduate programmes at SUSS. Students who are awarded the TGS will pay the subsidised tuition fees.

Tuition Grant Service Obligation

Only PR and IS are required to sign a Tuition Grant Agreement with the MOE and are required to work for a Singapore-based company for a period of 3 years upon graduation. There is no service obligation for SC students.

How to Apply

  1. All SC full-time students will be automatically granted the TGS.
  2. Full-time PR and IS students are required to complete an online application of the TGS, and undergo the Tuition Deed Signing Exercise at a later date. Further details will be provided later.

Further Information

For further enquiries pertaining to MOE Tuition Grant Scheme, please refer to MOE TGonline website. Alternatively, you may email: [email protected].