Educational Qualifications

  • 2017

    Ph.D. in Organizational Behaviour, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University

  • 2011

    M.S. in Applied Psychology, Beijing Normal University

  • 2008

    B.S. in Psychology, Beijing Normal University

Academic and Professional Experience

  • 2025 - Present

    Senior Lecturer, S R Nathan School of Human Development, Singapore University of Social Sciences

  • 2019 - Present
    Lecturer, S R Nathan School of Human Development, Singapore University of Social Sciences

  • 2011 - 2017

    Teaching Assistant, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University

Selected Publications

W. Shan, J. Chew, Z. Wang, A. Sharma, A.B. Ng, S. See. (2024).
Examining the Cultural Influence on Online Stances Towards COVID-19 Preventive Measures and Their Impact on Incidence and Mortality: A Global Stance Detection Analysis of Tweets, SSM - Population Health,

S-H. Kang, Z. Fang, N. Sim, S. Chua, W. Shan., M. May. (2024).
Slowing Workforce Growth: Predicting Labour Trends and Investigating Perspectives of Mature Workers and Women with Caregiving Responsibilities. Singapore Labour Journal.

W. Shan, Wang, Z., Zhao, Q., Chu, Y. (2023).
Different cultures, different gateways: culture shapes stratified job descriptions on LinkedIn. Human Resource Development International, 1-22. (Impact Factor = 6.3)

W. Shan, Wang, Z., Su, Y. (2022).
The Impact of Public Responses Towards Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Their Work Engagement and Well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. (Impact Factor = 4.23)

Li, H., W. Shan (2022).
Carpe Diem or Carpe Mañana? Emotion priming affects intertemporal choice among Internet addicts and normal Internet users. Frontiers in Psychology (Impact Factor = 4.23)

Zhao, Q., Li, L., Chu, Y., Yang, Z., Wang, Z., W. Shan (2022).
Efficient supervised image clustering based on density division. Remote Sensing, 14(15), 3768. (Impact Factor = 5.35)

Semnani-Azad, Z., Toosi, N., W. Shan, Mor, S., Amanatullah, E. (2020).
How Perceptions of Negotiations are Shaped by Culture, Race and Gender. In O. Mara & K. Jessica (Ed.), Research Handbook on Gender and Negotiation (Research Handbooks in Business and Management series). Edward Elgar Publishing

W. Shan, Keller, J., Joseph, D. (2019).
Are men better negotiators everywhere? A meta-analysis of how gender differences in negotiation performance vary across cultures. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(6), 651–675. (Impact Factor = 10.08)

W. Shan, Keller, J., Imai, L. (2016).
What’s a masculine negotiator? What’s a feminine negotiator? It depends on the cultural and situational context. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 9(1), 22-43.

Liu, X., W. Shan, (joint First Authors) & Jin, S. (2015).
Civilised Behavior: A Chinese Indigenous Intergroup Perception Dimension. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 9(2), 108-119.

W. Shan & Jin, S. (2013).
Evolutionary and cultural psychological perspectives of risk taking. In Assailly Jean-Pascal (Ed.), Psychology of Risk Taking. New York: NOVA Science Publishers.

W. Shan et al. (2012).
Mating strategies in Chinese culture: female risk avoiding vs. male risk taking. Evolution and Human Behavior, 33(3), 182-192.

Jin. S., W. Shan (corresponding author) et al. (2011).
The values orientation of the people living in a backcountry and its influencing factors. Youth Studies, 3, 1-10.

S. Jin, W. Shan. (2011).
Self-Worth Orientation Theory: a new integration of social psychology theories. In R. L. Zhou (Ed.), Advances in Psychology. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press.

Jin. S., W. Shan, & Zhang, H. (2010).
Stereotype and attribution. In S. H. Jin (Ed.), Social Psychology (2nd ed., pp. 140-161). Beijing: Higher Education Press.

Jin. S., W. Shan, & Zhang, Q. (2010).
Interpersonal relation. In S. H. Jin (Ed.), Social Psychology (2nd ed., pp. 270-297). Beijing: Higher Education Press.

W. Shan, Jin. S., Zhang, W., & Sheng, R. (2010).
Risk taking of males and females from the perspective of evolutionary psychology. Advances in Psychological Science, 18, 1828–1838.

S. Jin, W. Shan (2008).
Psychological Assistance and Rehabilitation after Disaster: Self-Coping Guide after 5.12 Earthquake. In School of Psychology Beijing Normal University (Eds.), Beijing: China Light Industry Press.

Zhu, Z., Xu, Y., W. Shan, & Zhang, H. (2008).
Effect of the identity of targets in suicide reports on the attitudes of college students toward suicide. China Journal of Health Psychology, 3, 299-301.

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