Educational Qualifications
PhD in English & Comparative Literature, Murdoch University
BA (1st Class Honours) in English & Comparative Literature, Murdoch University
Academic and Professional Experience
2024 - Present
Head, English Language and Literature Programme, School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2021 - 2023
Senior Lecturer, Communication Programme, School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences, Singapore University of Social Sciences
2013 - 2021
Head of General Studies Programme & University Core Curriculum, Singapore
University of Social Sciences
2006 - 2013
Lecturer, PSB Academy
1999 - 2005
Associate Lecturer, Murdoch University
Selected Publications
Rice Rhapsody: Food and sexuality in the Singapore village. In A. L. Rappa, (Ed.), The village and its discontents (pp. 111-126). World Scientific Publishing. (2016)
‘Flexible citizenship’: Strategic Chinese identities in ‘Asian Australian’ literature. Special Issue of Journal of Intercultural Studies vol. 27; no. 1-2: 213-227. (2005)
Theorising diasporas: Three types of consciousness. In R. Goh & S. Wong (Eds.), Asian diasporas: Cultures, identities, representations (pp. 53-76). Hong Kong University Press. (2004)
Book review: Ian Crawford, We won the victory: Aborigines and outsiders of the north-west coast of the Kimberley. Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 2001. In JAS Review of Books, Issue 6 (June). (2002)