Educational Qualifications

  • 2015

    Ph.D., Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • 2009

    B.A. (First Class Honours), Political Science, National University of Singapore and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NUS-UNC Joint Degree Programme)

Academic and Professional Experience

  • 2020 - Present

    Senior Lecturer, School of Business, Singapore University of Social Sciences

  • 2016 - 2019

    Lecturer, School of Business, Singapore University of Social Sciences

  • 2015 - 2016

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Global Production Networks Centre and Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore 

Selected Publications

  • Pan, Z. 2021. “Networks of International Relations, Structural Power, and China’s Belt and Road Initiative”. China and the World: Ancient and Modern Silk Road. 4(1): 1-32.
  • Pan, Z. 2019. “Strategic Linkages: China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Power Capture through Global Value Chains”. In China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Understanding the Dynamics of a Great Transformation, ed. Y.W. Chay, T. Menkhoff and L. Low. World Scientific: Singapore.
  • Pan, Z. 2018. “Varieties of Intergovernmental Organization Memberships and Structural Effects in the World Trade Network”. Advances in Complex Systems. 21(2):1-30.
  • Pan, Z. 2018. “Strategies of National Innovation: A Comparative Perspective of Hong Kong and Singapore”. In Hong Kong in 2017: Two Decades of Post-1997 Hong Kong Developments, ed. T.W. Lim and T.Y. Kong. World Scientific: Singapore.
  • Pan, Z. 2016. “State-led Innovation Partnerships: Asian Developmental States within the Triple Helix Paradigm”. European Journal of East Asian Studies. 15(1):108-143.


    Refereed International Conferences:

  • Pan, Z. 2025 [forthcoming]. “Embedded Stability: How Foreign Direct Investment Networks Influence International Sanctions and Geopolitical Contestation”. 28th International Political Science Association (IPSA) World Congress of Political Science, Seoul, KOR.
  • Pan, Z. 2024. “The Geopolitics and Complexity of Migration: How International Sanctions Shape Global Migration Networks”. Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), online panel.
  • Pan, Z. 2024. “Beyond Dichotomies: Revisiting China’s Belt and Road Initiative from Domestic and International Perspectives”. Global Studies Conference, online panel.
  • Pan, Z. 2023. “The Structure and Political Economy of International Sanctions”. Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Portland, USA.
  • Pan, Z. 2022. “Deepening Cooperation in a Complex World: How Trade Networks Spill Over to Defence Ties”. Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Australian National University and Swinburne University of Technology, AUS.
  • Pan, Z. 2022. “Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: The Strategic Rationale of Vaccine Donations”. Presented at two conferences:
    1. Global Studies Conference, University of Athens, GRC.
    2. Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Australian National University and Swinburne University of Technology, AUS.
  • Pan, Z. 2021. “Digital and Decentralized Global Value Chains: Industry 4.0 and the Advent of Blockchain Technology”. Global Studies Conference, online panel.
  • Pan, Z. 2021. “Networks of Networks: Global Value Chains and the Formation of Defence Cooperation Agreements”. Networks 2021: A Joint Sunbelt and Netsci Conference, online panel.
  • Pan, Z. 2020. “China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the Network Structure of International Relations”. Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), online panel.
  • Pan, Z. 2020. “The International Politics of Trade: The Nexus Between Economic and Security Agreements”. Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), online panel.
  • Pan, Z. 2019. “Uncovering the Complexity of China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Global Production Networks, Trade Interdependence and ASEAN’s Development”. Presented at two conferences:
    1. Political Networks Annual Conference, Duke University, USA
    2. Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Montreal/Quebec, CAN.
  • Pan, Z. 2019. “The Liberal Peace Theory Revisited: Trade Networks, Multilateralism and International Conflict”. Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Montreal/Quebec, CAN.
  • Pan, Z. 2018. “Trade Interdependence and War: The Politics of Global Production Networks”. Presented at two conferences:
    1. Political Networks Annual Conference, George Mason University, USA
    2. Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Utrecht, NLD.
  • Pan, Z. 2017. “Economics and War in Asia: The Politics of Global Production Networks”. International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), Chiang Mai, THA.
  • Pan, Z. 2017. “Varieties of Intergovernmental Organization Memberships and Structural Effects in the World Trade Network”. Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Beijing, CHN.
  • Pan, Z. 2017. “Economic Crises within Global Value Chains: Examining the Complex Dynamics of the World Trade Network”. Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Beijing, CHN.
  • Pan, Z. 2016. “The Great Trade Collapse: Shock Amplifiers and Absorbers in Global Value Chains”. European Political Science Association Annual Conference (EPSA), Brussels, BEL.
  • Loidolt, B., Pan, Z. and Gent, S. 2013. “Diasporas, Rebel Internal Organization, and the Fate of Insurgencies”. American Political Science Association Annual Conference (APSA), Chicago, USA.
  • Cranmer, S.J., Foster, L. and Pan, Z. 2013. “Hyper-Dyadic Pressures for Peace: How the Network of Nations Influence Peace and the Conflicts in which they are not Directly Involved”. Presented at two conferences:
    1. International Studies Association Annual Conference (ISA), San Francisco, USA.
    2. Political Networks Conference, Indiana University at Bloomington, USA.

    Local Conference Presentations:

  • Pan, Z. 2017. “The Political Economy of Straits Chinese Business Networks: Examining the Straits Chinese in Colonial Singapore through Economic and Political Lens”. Confucius Institute -- Nanyang Technological University, SGP.

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