Educational Qualifications
Masters Of Social Work, Social Work, University Of Minnesota, USA
Bachelor Of Arts & Social Science, Sociology, Social Work, National University Of Singapore
Academic and Professional Experience
2016 - Present
Office of the Director-General of Social Welfare, MSF, Director/Professional Practice Development
2015 - Present
Senior Lecturer, Singapore University of Social Sciences (Part time Secondment)
2012 - 2013
Office of the Director of Social Welfare, MCYS, Director of Social Welfare
2010 - 2016
Central Youth Guidance Office, Director/CYGO
2009 - 2010
Social Sector Planning Unit, MCYS, Deputy Director/Director (SSPU)
2005 - 2009
Probation Branch, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS), Deputy Director (PSB)/Chief Probation Officer
2000 - 2005
Rehabilitation & Protection Division, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCDS), Deputy Director (Policy & Development)
1997 - 2000
Lead School Social Worker Kuskokhim School District, Bethel, Alaska, USA
1995 - 1997
School Social Worker, Kuskokwim, School District Bethel, Alaska, USA
1993 - 1995
Research Assistant, Domestic Abuse, Project Minnesota, USA
1987 - 1993
SAF Counselling Center
Selected Publications
Publication commissioned by the National Crime Prevention Council,
Singapore on “Youth rehabilitation in Singapore: A review of principles, policies and practices” jointly with Dr Ng Kok Hoe. (2011)
International Conference on Outreach Work: Youth Gangs,
Violence and Female Delinquency, Panel Presentation - Youth Crime and Outreach on “Youth GO! Works!” (03/12/2015)