Educational Qualifications

  • 1988

    M.A. Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

  • 1986

    B.A.(Honours) Psychology with 2 papers in Education, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

  • 1985

    B.A. (Psychology), Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Academic and Professional Experience

  • 2014 - Present

    Senior Lecturer, Psychology Programme, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore

  • 2009 - 2013

    Lecturer, Psychology Programme, SIM University, Singapore

  • 2003 - 2009

    Associate Faculty (Psychology Programme), SIM University, Singapore

  • 1993 - 1996

    Data Management Advisor, State Services Commission, Wellington, NZ

  • 1992 - 1993

    Senior Research Assistant, Monash University Accident Research Centre, Victoria, Australia

  • 1990 - 1991

    Research Officer, New Zealand Tourism Board, Wellington, NZ

  • 1988 - 1990

    Teaching Assistant, Psychology Dept., Victoria University of Wellington, NZ

Selected Publications

Ho, Y. Y., Yeo, E. Y., & Wijaya, D. S. B. M. (2022). Turning coffee time into teaching moments through bite-sized learning for adult learners. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 71(2), 183–198.

Crettenden, A., Yeo, E. Y., & Drummond, A. E. (1994).
Qualitative dimensions of young driver: Driving exposure as a function of time of day. Young Driver Research Programme. Australia: Federal Office of Road Safety

Drummond, A. E. & Yeo, E. Y. (1992).
The risk of driver crash involvement as a function of driver age. Report no. 49. Australia: Monash University Accident Research Centre.

Yi, E. Y., Sullivan, C., & Pantua, L. B. (1992).
New Zealand international visitors survey 1990/91: General report. NZTB International Visitors Research Series, 1992/1. NZ Tourism Board.

Yi, E. Y. (1991).
New Zealand domestic travel study, 1989/90: General Report. NZTD Domestic Research Series. Research Services, NZ Tourism Department.

Pantua, L. B., Yi, E. Y., & Sullivan, C. (1991).
New Zealand regional tourism summary, 1989/90. NZTD Regional Research Series. Research Services, NZ Tourism Department.

Yi, E. Y. (1988).
Road sign conspicuity against natural background of varying complexity. M.A. Thesis. Victoria University of Wellington, NZ.

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