Choy, M.Y. (September, 2022). Fostering Learning by Establishing Routines for Children and Caregivers. Early Childhood Intervention Conference: A Good Start for Every Child Through Quality Inclusive Practices, Singapore (workshop).
Choy, M.Y., Hoo, L.P., Clarke, L., Lim, H.H., Oh S.J., Fong, R., Ng, H.W., Low H.S., Wong, C., Desiree, D., Tan, A. (June, 2016). Pilot Functional Early Intervention in Singapore. International Society for Early Intervention (ISEI), Stockholm.
Choy, M.Y. (September, 2015). Preparing K2 children for Primary One in Singapore: perception and practices of Parents, Primary School Teachers and Preschool teachers. European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA), Barcelona, Spain.
Choy, M.Y. (June, 2014). Preparing K2 children for Primary One in Singapore: perception and practices of Parents, Primary School Teachers and Preschool teachers. World Federation Occupational Therapy Conference (WFOT), Yokohama, Japan.
Choy, M.Y., Mok, T.L. (June, 2014). The utility of a localized handwriting screen in preschool children. World Federation Occupational Therapy Conference (WFOT), Yokohama, Japan.
Choy, M.Y., Koh, H.C., Shum, L.S., Yang, P.H., &. Teo, H.F. (October, 2012). School skills in preparation for primary one: teachers’ perception. National Occupational Therapy Conference, Singapore.
Choy, M.Y., Tan, P.C. (2008). Feasibility of the use of School AMPS in Singapore. International AMPS Symposium, Halifax, Canada
Tan, P.C., Choy, M.Y. (July, 2007). A retrospective study of parents’ perception on the effect of sensorimotor groups in helping children with motor difficulties, KK Hospital Annual Scientific Meeting, Singapore.