Educational Qualifications

Master of Laws Harvard University

Bachelor of Laws (Hons) (Class 1) University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur

Academic and Professional Experience

Jul 2020 - Present
Professor, SUSS School of Law

Jun 2020 - Present
Emeritus Professor, NUS Faculty of Law

Jan 2003 - Jun 2020
Professor, NUS Faculty of Law

Oct 2015 - Jan 2016
Visiting Professor, University of Hong Kong

Aug 2015 - Sept 2015
Visiting Professor, University of Malaya

Mar 2012 - Apr 2012
Visiting Professor, University of Western Australia Faculty of Law

Oct 2011 - Jan 2012
Visiting Professor, University of Hong Kong

Jul 1990 - Dec 2002
Associate Professor, NUS Faculty of Law

Nov 2002
First Visiting Researcher, Clarke Program of East Asian Law and Culture, Cornell Law School

Dec 2000
Visiting Scholar, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London

Sept 1992
Visiting Scholar, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Sept 1992
Visiting Scholar, Uppsala University Faculty of Law

Aug 1985 - May 1986
Visiting Scholar, Harvard University

1989 - Present
Associate Member, Singapore Academy of Law

1983 - Present
Advocate & Solicitor, High Court of Malaya

Jul 1981 - Jun 1990
Senior Lecturer, NUS Faculty of Law

Jun 1976 - Jun 1981
Lecturer, University of Singapore Faculty of Law

Selected Publications

Leong Wai Kum "Definition of property as matrimonial asset through the lens of therapeutic justice" [2024] SAL Prac 4

Leong Wai Kum and Debbie Ong “Justice Phang and therapeutic justice: With head and heart in equal measure” in Goh Yihan (gen ed) Pursuing Justice and Justice Alone (Singapore: Academy Publishing, 2022)

Leong Wai Kum and Debbie Ong "Family justice in divorce proceedings in Singapore for spouses and their children" [2020] Special Issue JMJ 165-189 

Leong Wai Kum "From substantive law towards family justice for the child in divorce proceedings in Singapore" (2018) Special Issue on Children SAcLJ

Leong Wai Kum "Back to the Future: The 2017 amendments of power to divide matrimonial assets" (2018) JMJ 171-192

Leong Wai Kum "Moral messaging towards harmonious living" in Anne Scully-Hill, Sala Sihombing and Katherine Lynch (eds) Reforming Hong Kong's Child & Family Justice System: Intergrating Legal, Comparative & Multidisciplinary Approaches (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016) pp 363-385

Leong Wai Kum "Towards the elimination of prescriptive sexual regulation in family law in Singapore" HKLJ Focus Issue (2016) Vol 46:1 pp 130-149

Leong Wai Kum, Burton Ong and Alexander Loke "The conceptual basis of the solicitor's liability to a third party related to the client: Reconstructing the White v Jones principle in Singapore" PN (2016) 32:1 pp 32-49

Leong Wai Kum "For our children's sake: Gentle reminders of parental responsibility" in Speaking of Children (Singapore: World Scientific, 2015) pp 113-131

Leong Wai Kum “Marital agreements and private autonomy in Singapore” in Jens M Scherpe (ed) Marital Agreements and Private Autonomy in Comparative Perspective (Oxford, Hart Publishing: 2012) 311-349

Leong Wai Kum “Parental responsibility as the core principle in legal regulation of the parent-child relationship” in Yeo Tiong Min, Hans Tjio and Tang Hang Wu (gen eds) Developments in Singapore Law between 2006 and 2010: Trends and Perspectives (Singapore, Academy Publishing: 2011) 244-271

Leong Wai Kum “Fifty years and more of the Women’s Charter of Singapore” [2008] SingJLS 1-24

Leong Wai Kum “The just and equitable division of gains between former equal partners in marriage” [2000] SingJLS 208-240

Leong Wai Kum “Formation of marriage in England and Singapore by contract: Void marriage and non-marriage” (2000) 14 IJLPF 256-280

Leong Wai Kum “Solemnisation of marriage: Conceptualisation and statutory interpretation” [1995] SingJLS 283-314

Leong Wai Kum “Division of matrimonial assets: Recent cases and thoughts for reform” [1993] SingJLS 351-400

Leong Wai Kum “Reform of the law of nullity in the Women’s Charter” [1992] SingJLS 1-39

Leong Wai Kum “Common Law and Chinese marriage custom in Singapore” in Andrew Harding (ed) The Common Law in Singapore and Malaysia (Singapore, Malaya Law Review: 1985) 177-194

Leong Wai Kum “Spouses as witnesses: Some aspects” (1976) 18 MalLR 225-229

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