Educational Qualifications
PhD in Education, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Master's Degree in Educational Management, University of Western Australia
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Sec) with Credit, NTU/NIE
Bachelor of Arts degree in Chinese Language and Literature, Nankai University,
Academic and Professional Experience
2023 - Present
Deputy Director, Office of Graduate Studies, SUSS
2022 - Present
Head, Chinese Studies, SUSS
2021 - 2022
Head, Minor in Chinese Studies, SUSS
2019 - Present
Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences, SUSS
2018 - 2019
Specialist, Office of Service-Learning and Community Engagement, Centre for
Experiential Learning, SUSS
2015 - 2017
Regional Manager (East Asia), ITE Education Services (Secondment)
2012 - 2015
Manager, Student Development, ITE College Central
2009 - 2012
Research and teaching assistant, Graduate Institute of Education, National Cheng
Kung University, Taiwan
Instructor and Advisor, Service-Learning Centre, National Cheng Kung University,
2006 - 2009
General Manager, Azure Edition Pte Ltd
2005 - 2006
Deputy General Manager, Huaqing (Beijing) International Training Co. Ltd.,
Tsinghua Science Park, Beijing China
2004 - 2005
Senior Manager, Office of Student Life, Singapore Management University
2003 - 2004
Regional Manager, Youth Expedition Project, Singapore International Foundation
1999 - 2002
Chinese Lecturer, Nanyang Junior College, Ministry of Education, Singapore
Selected Publications
Zhang, J.K., Lee, W.H., & Wu, S.M. (2022)
Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Seven Emerging Intensifiers in Chinese. Journal of Chinese Language Education, 20(2), 23-49. (新兴强化词“超、巨、狂、暴、爆、奇、真心”的层次聚类分析)
Lin, M.J., & Lee, W.H. (2021)
Effectiveness of Curriculum-Based Service-learning Programs for Taiwanese Undergraduates. Journal of General Education of NKUHT, 19-44.
Lee, W.H. (2020)
Promoting Health and Environmental Hygiene through Overseas Service-Learning Courses: A NCKU Case Study. Journal of Service-Learning and Social Engagement, 3, 75-83. (海外服務學習課程促進健康與環境衛生:以成功大學為例)
Lee, W.H. (2018)
Research on Transformative Learning Experiences of Undergraduates during Service-Learning Program. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). National Cheng Kung University. Tainan, Taiwan. (大學生參與服務學習與轉化學習經驗之研究)
Lee, W.H., Lin, M.J., Lee, C.J., Chu, C.H. & Tung, Y.Y. (2018)
The Relationship between Participation in Service-Learning and Civic Engagement of Taiwanese College Students. Nanhua Journal of Social Sciences, 4, 1-43. (臺灣大學生參與服務學習與公民投入之相關性研究)
Lin, M.J., Lee, W.H., & Chang, T.M. (2015)
A Study of Parenting, Adolescents' Self-control and the Relative of Parent-child Relationship. Social Services and Leisure Industry Research, 4, 13-31. (父母教養、子女自我控制與親子關係相對知覺之研究)