Lam, C.M. (2024). The Continued Search for Clarity on the Scope of a Doctor’s Duty of Care. Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, Vol 24(1), 28 pages (Forthcoming).
Lam, C.M. (2022). The End of SAAMCO Counterfactual? Charles B Lawrence & Associates v Intercommercial Bank Limited (Trinidad and Tobago) [2021] UKPC 30. Journal of Professional Negligence (Bloomsbury Professional), Vol 38(3): 174-180.
Lam, C.M. (2020). Revisiting Loss of Chance in Medical Negligence: Employing Public Policy Positively as Justification. Journal of Professional Negligence (Bloomsbury Professional), Vol 36(3): 104-132.
Lam, C.M. (2020). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Professional Responsibilities of Lawyers. Singapore Law Review, Vol 37: 43-60.
Lam, C.M. (2019). Damages for Wrongful Fertilisation: Reliance on Policy Considerations. Deakin Law Review, Vol 24: 139-174.
Lam, C.M. (2017). Corporate Governance in Singapore: Exploring the Concept of Director Independence in Light of Global Corporate Governance Principles. International Journal of Law and Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, 3(1): 4-14.
Tabalujan, Benny; Du Toit-Low, Valerie; Huan, Julie; Lam, C.M. (as Managing Editor) & See, Alvin (2021). Singapore Business Law. CommAsia Resources. 9th ed. Singapore.
Tabalujan, Benny; Du Toit-Low, Valerie; Huan, Julie; Lam, C.M. & See, Alvin (2018). Singapore Business Law. CommAsia Resources. 8th ed. Singapore.
Book Chapters:
Lam, C.M. (2021). ‘Using Artificial Intelligence in Narratives in the Criminal Process’, in Frode Helmich Pedersen, Espen Ingebrigtsen, Werner Gephart (eds), Narratives in the Criminal Process, Vol. 26 in the Series Recht als Kultur, pp. 357-380 (Vittorio Klostermann GmbH, Frankfurt am Main).
Gall, M., Kulwicki L. and Lam, C.M. (2007). ‘Nexus: A State-by-State Retrospective of 2006 Developments,’ New York Institute on State and Local Taxation – 2007, Chapter 4, 1-94 (Matthew Bender & Company, Inc., a member of LexisNexis Group).
Conference Papers:
Lam, C.M. The Future of AI Regulation in Singapore. Presented at 13th EuroSEAS Conference at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 23 Jul 2024.
Lam, C.M. Artificial Intelligence as a Legal Intermediary and the Changing Professional Responsibilities of Lawyers in Southeast Asia. Presented at 10th EuroSEAS Conference at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, 11 Sept 2019.
Lam, C.M. Revisiting the Singapore Approach in Recognising Loss of Genetic Affinity. Presented at 109th Annual Conference of the Society of Legal Scholars, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom, 4 - 7 Sept 2018.
Lam, C.M. Using Artificial Intelligence in Narratives in the Criminal Process. Presented at International Conference “Narratives in the Criminal Process”, University of Bergen, Norway, 30 Nov - 1 Dec 2018, funded by Norwegian Research Council.
Lam, C.M. Corporate Governance in Singapore – Exploring the Concept of Director Independence In The Light of Global Corporate Governance Principles. Presented at 4th Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, Boston, USA, 21 Nov 2016.
Other Publications:
Gall, M.B. and Lam, C.M. ‘Do You Have a Hidden State Income Tax Liability Looming?’, Foodservice Equipment Distributors Association (FEDA) News & Views, Vol. 74, No. 6, 18-32 (Nov/Dec 2006).
Gall, M.B., Kulwicki L. and Lam, C.M. ‘Nexus Update’, Jones Day State Tax Return Newsletter, Vol. 12, No. 9, 1-10 (Sept 2005).
Gall, M.B., Kulwicki L. and Lam, C.M. ‘Nexus Update’, Jones Day State Tax Return Newsletter, Vol. 12, No. 5, 1-12 (May 2005).
Lam, C.M. and Gall, M.B. ‘Update on Ohio Franchise Tax Developments’, Jones Day State Tax Return Newsletter, Vol. 12, No. 2, 8-12 (Feb 2005).
Lam, C.M. ‘Purchase of Boat Documented Through Coast Guard Held Taxable in Ohio’, 10 Sept 2004, Mondaq United States Business Briefing (10 Sept 2004).
Lam, C.M. ‘The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Affirms That The Surviving Corporation In A Merger Cannot Deduct Its Predecessor Corporations’ Premerger NOLs’, Jones Day State Tax Return Newsletter, Vol. 11, No. 5, 9-11 (Jun 2004).
More Information
2010 Admitted as Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore
2008 Admitted as Attorney and Counselor at Law of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, USA
2006 Admitted as Attorney and Counselor at Law of the Supreme Court of Ohio, USA
2004 - 2006 Senior Editor, I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, USA
Professional Negligence Laws
Corporate and Securities Laws
Artificial Intelligence Laws
SUSS Teaching Awardee Honour Roll (2024)
SUSS Excellence in Teaching Award (2024)
SUSS StudyGuide Excellence Award (2024) (3rd Prize)
SUSS Excellence in Teaching Award (2023)
SUSS Award for Teaching Excellence (Honourable Mention) (2021)