2011 Ph.D. in Management Information Systems; University of Oklahoma
2004 Masters in Computing; National University of Singapore
1999 Degree in Computer Science with Merit (Three years); National University of Singapore
Academic and Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, SKEMA (France)
Instructor, The University of Oklahoma (USA)
Lecturer, Institute of Technical Education
Systems Engineer, Singapore Airlines
Engineer, Chartered Semiconductor
Software Engineer, National Computer Systems
Selected Publications
Journal Papers/Book Chapter:
[All journal papers are ABDC ranked]
Lim, J.Y.-K. Dominance Needs, Gender, and Leader Emergence in Self-Managed Work Teams. Gender in Management; Forthcoming
Lim, J.Y.-K. (2022). Gender and Psychological Safety in Virtual Teams: The Role of Awareness Types Enabled by Information Technologies. Team Performance Management, 28(5/6), 351-366.
Lim, J.Y. -K. (2022). Shared Mental Models and Task Decomposition. Team Performance Management, 28(5/6), 367-381.
Lim, J.Y.-K. & Busenitz, L.W. (2020). Evolving Human Capital of Entrepreneurs in an Equity Crowdfunding Era. Journal of Small Business Management, 58(1), 106-129.
Lim, J.Y.-K. (2019). Navigating the Pathway to Leader Emergence in Self-Managed Work Groups Over Time: Should I Self-Promote and Try to Emerge Initially as a Leader? Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 80(7-8), 489-502.
Lim,J.Y.-K. (2018).IT-Enabled AwarenessandSelf-DirectedLeadershipBehaviorsinVirtual Teams. Information and Organization, 28 (2), 71-88.
Lim, J.Y.-K., Busenitz, L.W., & Chidambaram, L. (2013). New Venture Teams and the Quality of Business Opportunities Identified: Faultlines Between Subgroups of Founders and Investors. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (ETP), 37(1), 47-67.
Lim, Y.K. & Lim, J. (2006). Gender and Discourse Styles in CMC Learning Groups. In Encyclopedia of Gender and Information Technologies, Idea Group Publishing.
Conference (Peer-Reviewed):
Lim, J.Y.-K. Examining the Mix of Leadership Behaviors on Leader Emergence in Virtual Teams. Forthcoming. 20th European Conference on Management and Leadership (ECMLG), Forthcoming
Lim, J.Y.-K. (2023). Profile Pictures and Work Experiences Listing in Equity Crowdfunding. 18th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE)
Lim, J.Y.-K. (2023). Humor, and Shared Cognition in New Venture Teams. 18th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE)
Lim, J.Y.-K. (2022). Human Capital and Teams in Equity Crowdfunding. 17th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE).
Lim, J.Y.-K. (2021). Funding Goal and Equity Crowdfunding. 16th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE).
Lim, J.Y.-K. (2021). Gender and Equity Crowdfunding: The Effects of Prior Funding Sources. International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS) Conference Europe.
Lim, J.Y.-K. (2021). A Revisit of the Relationship Between Dominance, Gender and Leadership. Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology (SCAP).
Loh P.W. & Lim, J.Y.-K. (2021). Leadership in Singapore SMEs. Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology (SCAP).
Lim, J.Y.-K. (2020). Developing Psychological Safety of Women and Men in Virtual Teams Via Perceived IT-Supported Awareness. AUSSRE 3rd Annual International Conference on Organizational Behavior Human Resource Business and Economics Research.
Lim, J.Y.-K. (2019). Clarifying Inconsistencies in Shared Mental Model Research. Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology (SCAP).
Lim, J.Y.-K. & Busenitz, L.W. (2019). Getting the Word Out: Digital Press Releases in Equity Crowdfunding. Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology (SCAP).
Lim, J.Y.-K. (2018). Can Women Emerge as Leaders and Gain Likeability Through Dominance? Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology (SCAP).
Lim, J.Y.-K. & Busenitz, L.W. (2017). Funding in Equity Crowdfunding: Founder Human Capital and Digital Social Capital. International Conference on Business Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, Singapore.
Lim, J.Y.-K. & Chidambaram, L. (2016). Is Self-Promotion Risky for Men Too? Applying a Lagged and Concurrent Perspective on Studying Gender, Self-Promotion and Leader Emergence in Self-Managed Work Groups. Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology (SCAP).
Lim, J.Y.-K. & Chidambaram, L. (2011). A Longitudinal Comparison of Leader-Follower Relationships Among High and Low Performing Teams in Virtual Settings. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).
Lim, J.Y.-K. & Zmud, R.W. (2009). Shaken and Stirred: Increasing Knowledge Sharing Behaviors in Leveraging a Group’s Cognitive Diversity. Presented by JoAnne Lim at the 22nd Annual Organizational Communication Mini-Conference (OCMC) in Illinois, Chicago.
Lim, J.Y.-K. (2009). Impression Management Strategies and Leadership Emergence: The Role of Gender and Virtualness. Presented by JoAnne Lim at the ICIS Doctoral Consortium in Phoenix, Arizona ((Invited; Selection is highly competitive).
Lim, J.Y.-K. (2009). Impression Management Strategies and Leadership Emergence: The Role of Gender and Virtualness. Presented by JoAnne Lim at the MIS Big XII Conference in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Lim, J.Y.-K., Chidambaram, L., & Carte, T. (2008). Impression Management and Leadership Emergence in Virtual Settings: The Role of Gender and Media. Presented by JoAnne Lim at the Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS) Theory Development Workshop, held in conjunction with the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) in Paris, France.
Lim, J.Y.-K., Chidambaram, L., & Carte, T. (2008). Gender, Media and Leader Emergence: Examining the Impression Management Strategies of Men and Women in Different Settings. Presented by JoAnne Lim at the MIS Big XII Conference in Lubbock, Texas.
Chidambaram, L., Lim, J.Y.-K., & Carte, T. (2008). Gender, Media and Leader Emergence: Examining the Impression Management Strategies of Men and Women in Different Settings. Presented by JoAnne Lim at the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) in Toronto, Canada.
Chidambaram, L., Carte, T., Lim, Y.K., & Garfield, M. (2007). Group Creativity and Collaborative Technologies: Understanding the Role of Anonymity. Presented by JoAnne Lim at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) in Montreal, Canada.
Lim, Y.K. & Busenitz, L. (2007). Cognitive Diversity, Subgroups and Alertness in Entrepreneurial Opportunities. Presented by JoAnne Lim at the Academy of Management (AOM) Meeting in Philadelphia, USA.
Chidambaram, L., Carte, T., & Lim, Y.K. (2006). Do Gender Differences Result in Leadership Differences? A Study of Emergent Leadership Behaviors in Single-Gender and Mixed-Gender Virtual Teams. Academy of Management (AOM) Meeting in Atlanta, USA.
Lim, Y.K. & Lim, J. (2006). Leadership Fit on Team Efficacy in Diverse Teams: The Effects of Organizational Culture and Communication Media. Proceedings of International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN), Karlsruhe, Germany.
Lim, Y.K. & Lim, J. (2004). Technology Type, Gender and Social Presence: An Experimental Study. Presented by JoAnne Lim at the Pacific Asia-Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) in Shanghai, China.
More Information
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Decision Support Systems
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Information Technology and People
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
Team Performance Management
MIS Quarterly
Information Systems Research
Journal of Business Venturing
Journal of Management Studies
Information and Organization
Information and Management
Group Decision and Negotiation
International Small Business Research
Journal of Business Research
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
Academy of Management (AOM) Conference
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)
MIS Big XII Research Symposium
OU Graduate Foundation Fellowship
Ben Barnett Scholarship
Alley-Rayonier International Scholarship
Gamma Beta Sigma Society (by invitation)
Golden Key International Honor Society (by invitation)
Gamma Beta Phi Society (by invitation)
Customer’s Satisfaction and Development of SPC Software Award