Educational Qualifications
2012 - 2015
Doctor of Education, University of Western Australia
Research Focus: Training older adults (Thesis awarded Prize for the Best Piece of Research) -
Graduate Certificate in Qualitative Research, University of Georgia, USA
1991 - 1992
Master of Arts, University of London
Certificate in Counselling, Clinical Programme, Counselling & Care Centre, Singapore
1984 - 1987
Bachelor of Arts, National University of Singapore
Academic and Professional Experience
Jan 2021 - Present
Singapore University of Social Sciences
Associate Professor
Jan 2017 - 2020
Singapore University of Social Sciences
Senior Lecturer, Master & PhD in Gerontology Programmes; also teach ‘Gerontological Counselling' course in the Master of Counselling Programme at SUSS-
Apr 2010 - Present
Executive Director, Beyond Age Pte Ltd
Specialise in training programmes/consultancy services with a focus on seniors employability courses e.g. counselling/managing older employees, career coaching for older employees etc., gerontological counselling, caregiving issues. Clients include public, private and people sectors. For more information, see -
1996 - Present
(For various durations at different institutions)
Adjunct Lecturer (for Master and Graduate Diploma levels Social Work courses, Course: Gerontological Counselling), National University of Singapore
Associate Faculty, Master of Counselling, Master of Gerontology, Bachelor of Counselling, Course Writer and Course Chair (Counselling the Elderly), SIM University (renamed Singapore University of Social Sciences)
Teaching Consultant, Project REBUILD - a collaboration between Lien Centre for Palliative Care, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School and the Assisi Hospice. Trainer, Social Service Training Institute
Adjunct Lecturer, Specialist Diplomas in Counselling at Temasek and Nanyang Polytechnics -
2007 - 2010
Centre For Seniors, Executive Director/Director of Training & Counselling
Apr - Jun 2008
Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, Oxford University
Visiting Research Fellow -
1993 - 2006
SAGE Counselling Centre
Senior Consultant (2004 – 2006)
Consultant (2001 – 2004)
Director (1996 – 2001) -
2001 - 2003
St Luke's Eldercare Ltd
Chief Executive Officer -
1989 - 1991
Singapore Anglican Welfare Council
Counsellor [Alternate to Head of Centre (1990-1991)] -
1987 - 1989
Development Bank of Singapore
Bank Officer [Alternate to Branch Manager (1988 – 1989)]
Selected Publications
Journal Articles (Refereed):
Ko, H. (2020)
Teaching older adults: An instructional model from Singapore. Educational
Gerontology, published online 13 Aug 2020. Available at:
Ko, H., & Khan, H. T. A. (2014)
Insights for Singapore's re-employment legislation: Evidence from the Global
Ageing Survey (GLAS). Asian Profile, 42(2), 101-122.
Mehta, K. K., & Ko, H. (2004)
Filial piety revisited in the context of modernizing Asian societies. Geriatrics
and Gerontology International, 4, S77-78.
Chiang, H. D., & Ko, H. (2002)
Mental fitness groups for elders in Singapore. The Older Learner, American
Society on Aging 10(2), 4 & 8.
Chiang, H. D., & H, Ko. (2001)
A do-it-yourself programme of mental health promotion among seniors in
Singapore. Gerontological International Journal of Experimental, Clinical and
Behavioural Gerontology, 47(Supplement 1), 680.
Ko, H. & Chiang, H. D. (2001)
Groupwork for the elderly in Singapore. Gerontological International Journal of
Experimental, Clinical and Behavioural Gerontology. 47(Supplement 1), 660.
Ko, H. (1998)
What makes a good doctor – views of non-medical professionals. Singapore Medical
Journal, 39(12), 532-534.
Ko, H. (1997)
Community-based social work with the elderly. Social Dimension, (1), 9-13.
Ko, S. M., & Ko, H. (1996)
SAGE telephone counselling. Journal of Stress Medicine. 12(4), 261-265.
Books (Non-refereed):
Ko, H. (2023)
Longevity in Singapore: Implications and opportunities for individuals and society. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Editions.
Ko, H. (2020)
Counselling older adults: An Asian perspective. (2nd ed.). Singapore: Write
Mehta, K. K., & Ko, H. (2014)
Gerontological counselling: An introductory handbook. (2nd ed.). Singapore:
Write Editions.
Ko, H. (2012)
Counselling older adults: An Asian perspective. Singapore: Write Editions.
Ko, H., Mehta, K. K., & Ko, S. M. (2006)
Understanding and counselling older persons. Singapore: SAGE Counselling Centre.
Mehta, K. K., & Ko, H. (2003)
Gerontological counselling: An introductory handbook. Singapore: SAGE
Counselling Centre.
Book Chapters (Refereed and Non-refereed):
Ko, H. (2018)
Holistic framework for harnessing an ageing workforce in Singapore. In A.
Sakamoto & J. Sung (Eds.), Skills and the future of work: Strategies for
inclusive growth in Asia and the Pacific (pp.100-124). International Labour
Organisation: Author. (refereed)
Ko, H. (2017)
Reflect and live. In The better me. Singapore. Council For Third Age.
Ko, H. (2011)
Extending working life: Individuals' responses, attitudes and practices of
employers in Singapore. In R. Ennals & R. H. Salomon (Eds.), Older workers in a
sustainable society (pp. 157-171). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag.
Ko, H. (1998)
Coping with loss and grief. In E. H. Kua & S. M. Ko (Eds.), A ripe old age (pp.
63-78). Singapore: Singapore Action Group of Elders.
Ko, H. (1996)
Hotline and counselling service. In K. M. Chan (Ed.), Geriatric medicine for
Singapore (pp. 243-246). Singapore: Gerontological Society.
Conference Papers (Refereed):
Ko, H. (2019)
An evidence-based model for training older workers. 4th International Conference
on Humanities Science, Management and Education Technology (21-23 June 2019),
organized by Academic Exchange Information Centre. Singapore.
Ko, H. (2018)
Caring for the elderly: Facilitating a good closure to life. Paper presented at
the Conference on Innovation.Impact: The review and vision of community
end-of-life care. Hong Kong, 20-21 June 2018.
Ko, H. (2013)
Training designs for older workers: A literature review and implications for
research. Paper presented at the British Society of Gerontology Annual
Conference: Global ageing: Implications for individuals and society. Oxford,
England, 11-13 September 2013.
Ko, H. (2011)
ECADIT – A procedural model for counselling older persons. Paper presented at
the First Asia Pacific Conference on Ageing (APCA 2011): Dignity and grace of
ageing. Singapore, 24-26 March 2011.
Ko, H. (2010)
Extending working life: Individuals' responses, attitudes and practices of
employers in Singapore. Paper presented at the International Research
Conference: Older workers in a sustainable society – Great needs and great
potentials. Oslo, Norway, 9-11 June 2010.
Ko, H., & Khan, H. T. A. (2010)
Re-employment of older workers in Singapore: Preliminary insights. Paper
Presented at the 4th Symposium on Work Ability: Age management during the life
course. Tampere, Finland, 6-9 June 2010.
Ko, H. (2006)
Elder suicide prevention in Singapore – a multi-agency model. Paper presented at
2nd Asia Pacific Suicide Prevention Conference. Singapore, 10-12 March 2006.
Lee, A. E. Y., Ko, H. & Chokkanathan, S. (2005)
Development and pilot testing of a gero-counselling model for older Asian adults
and their families. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America. November 2005.
Ko, H. (2004)
Elder suicide prevention – the Singapore experience. Paper presented at the 7th
Global Conference of International Federation on Ageing. Singapore, September
Ko, H., & Chiang, H. D. (2001)
Needs of retirees and strategies to address them. In Proceedings of Regional
Conference "Into The Millenium of the Older Adult: Releasing Potentials &
Erasing Prejudices". Singapore: Gerontological Society.
Invited Keynote/Plenary/Other addresses in Singapore and/or Internationally:
Ko, H. (2022)
Better with age. Invited address, The Singapore WSH Conference 2022 (19 – 20 Sep 2022), organised by Workplace Safety and Health Council, Ministry of Manpower, National Trades Union Congress, Singapore National Employers Federation.
Ko, H. (2021)
Losses of Older Adults: Impact and Interventions. Invited address, Samaritans of Singapore Inaugural Symposium (9 -11 Sep 2021), organised by Samaritans of Singapore. Singapore
Ko, H. (2019)
Facilitating lifelong learning: An evidence-based
instructional model for older adults. Plenary
address, engAGE Ageing Symposium 2019, "Cognition and Lifelong Learning" (8 Nov
2019), organised
by the Centre for Applied Gerontology, School of Humanities & Social Sciences,
Temasek Polytechnic.
Ko, H. (2019)
Planning for my silver years. Keynote address, Symposium Wanita
2019 (20 Oct 2019),
organised by Research and Engagement Department, PPIS, Singapore.
Ko, H. (2019)
Spiritual care in a multicultural community: Patient and
caregiver perspectives. Roundtable
address, Singapore Health and Biomedical Congress 2019 (10-12 Oct 2019),
organised by the National
Healthcare Group, Singapore. Singapore.
Ko, H. (2019)
Evidence-based principles for coaching older learners. GS
Conference 2019: The Art and
Science of Ageing Well (24 Aug 2019), organised by the Gerontological Society of
Singapore. Singapore.
Ko, H. (2019)
An evidence-based model for training older workers. Plenary
address, 4th International
Conference on Humanities Science, Management and Education Technology (21-23
June 2019),
organized by Academic Exchange Information Centre. Singapore.
Ko, H. (2018)
Promoting age-friendly workplaces: Singapore's strategies.
Keynote address, Age-Friendly
Hong Kong Summit cum 2018 Age-Friendly City Appreciation Scheme Recognition
Gerontech & Innovation Expo cum Summit 2018 (22-25 Nov 2018), organised by The
Hong Kong
Council of Social Service. Hong Kong.
Ko, H. (2018)
Holistic framework for harnessing an ageing workforce: The case
of Singapore. International
Labour Organisation/Korea TVET Forum 2018: Skills and the future of work:
Strategies for inclusive
growth in Asia and the Pacific (19-20 Nov 2018), organised by International
Labour Organisation and
the Ministry of Employment and Labour, Republic of Korea. Bangkok, Thailand.
Ko, H. (2018)
An evidence-based model for developing older workers. Keynote
address, Singapore National
Employers Federation-Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment
Practices (SNEFTAFEP) Age-Inclusive Symposium: Creating meaningful careers for
the future (25 Sep 2018). Singapore.
Ko, H. (2017)
Healing strained intergenerational relationships in ageing
families: Insights & implications
for practice. Plenary address, Asian Family Conference 2017: Ageing families in
Asia: Challenges and
opportunities (29 Nov 2017), organised by the Ministry of Social and Family
Development. Singapore.
Ko, H. (2017)
Promoting caregiver-friendly workplaces: Singapore's approach.
Financial and Employment
Impacts of Family Caregiving Academic Seminar (19 June 2017), organised by The
University of Hong
Kong. Hong Kong.
Ko, H. (2017)
The impact of media on older adults. Third Conference on Counselling for Malaysian
Caregivers: The impact of media on people of different age groups (27-29 May
2017), organised by
Agape Counselling Centre. Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
Ko, H. (2016)
Employment and ageing in Singapore. Plenary address, First
Working Women in an Ageing
Society Conference: Work, age, gender (3-5 Jun 2016), organised by Fukuoka
Women's University,
Kyushu University, SALT (Stepping Across the Line Transitions into Retirement),
Coalition of Advancing
Women in Fukuoka. Fukuoka, Japan.
Ko, H. (2016)
Older Women, Health and Lifelong Learning (25 Jan 2016), jointly organised by Modern
Ageing and SIM University.
Ko, H. (2015)
Teaching older workers: Principles distilled from a recent study
conducted in Singapore. Plenary
address, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School (Singapore) Centre for Ageing Research
and Education
Symposium: Live, learn and work – Exploring possibilities with longevity (12 Nov
2015). Singapore.
Ko, H. (2011)
Will I Ever Get Over My Child's Death? (22 Oct 2011), jointly organised by Assisi Hospice &
Lien Centre for Palliative Care.
Ko, H. (2011)
Managing an ageing workforce. Plenary address, Asia Pacific
Employee Assistance Roundtable
(APEAR) Conference: Multigenerational workforce - Opportunity for competitive
success (27-29
Apr 2011), organised by the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive
Employment Practices (TAFEP).
Ko, H. (2008)
Singapore's response to an ageing workforce. Presentation at
Oxford University's Institute of
Ageing's Seminar Series, 7 May 2008.
Invited Media Commentaries:
Ko, H. (2021, 27 July)
Heeding cries for help – getting to the heart of elderly suicides requires more than
counselling. CNA. Available at:
Ko, H. (2020, 3 August)
Singapore's public sector ought to take the lead in hiring older workers. Today
Online. Available at:
Ko, H. (2019, 25 August)
Seniors do well at their jobs yet ageist myths and negative stereotypes persist.
CNA. Available at:
Ko, H. (2019, 17 August)
It's high time for a Ministry on Ageing Issues. CNA. Available at:
Ko, H. (2019, 4 June)
High time Singapore employers ditch ageist attitudes towards older workers.
Today Online. Available at:
Ko, H. (2017, November 3)
Valuing and capitalising on an ageing workforce. The Straits Times. Available at
Ko H. (2015, March 24)
The business of integrating ageing and employment in Singapore. Singapore
Business Review.
Ko, H. (2010, December 15)
It pays to hire older employees. The Straits Times.