Educational Qualifications

Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education, Nanyang Technological University
Dissertation: A Study on the Perceptions of Parents and Teachers on Savant Skills of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Master of Education. University of Melbourne

Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education. University of British Columbia

Bachelor of Education. University of British Columbia

Bachelor of Arts. University of British Columbia

Academic and Professional Experience

2019 - present
Head of Special Education, NSHD, Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)

2017 - 2019

Assistant Divisional Director, Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities

1998 - 2016
Teacher, School Principal and Curriculum Planner, Ministry of Education (MOE)

1994 - 1998
Special Education Teacher, Dover Court International School

Selected Publications

  1. Tan, E..M.Y. (2024).
    Christopher is Loved
  2. Tan, E. M. Y. (2024).
    Insights from teachers regarding the implementation of strength-based pedagogies for students with special needs. International Teaching and Education Conference.
  3. Tan, E..M.Y. (2024).
    Implications of Savant Syndrome for Cognitive Neuroscience and Education: Bridging Insights from Extraordinary Abilities to Learning Enhancement. International Journal of Research & Development, 9(6).
  4. Tan, E..M.Y. & Kuo, M.C.C. (2024).
    Educator Attitudes of Strength-Based Education for Persons with Special Needs. International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 6(3).
  5. Tan, E. M. Y. & Kuo, M.C.C. (2024).
    Enhancing Developmental Resilience in Children with Special Needs through a Strength-Based Paradigm. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 12(1).
  6. Tan, E. M. Y. & Kuo, M.C.C. (2024).
    Supporting the Wellbeing of Children with Special Needs through Strength Based Curriculum. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 12(1).
  7. Tan, E.M.Y. (2024, April 20).
    Don’t isolate kids with autism, involve them in regular activities. The Straits Times. regular-activities
  8. Tan, E.M.Y. (2024).
    The Relationship Between Autism Spectrum Disorder Traits And Exceptional Abilities: Insights Into The Savant Syndrome. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 10(4).
  9. Tan, E.M.Y.(2024).
    Myth vs. Reality: Examining Common Misconceptions Surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 6(2), 1-3. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i02.14935.
  10. Tan, E.M.Y. (2024).
    Psychological Accounts For The Difficulties Experienced By Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Journal of Research and Development, 9(1), 238-241.
  11. Tan, E.M.Y. (2023).
    Improving and Facilitating Enhancement in Terms of Care for Adults with Disabilities in Singapore. In M. Kefalaki (Ed.), Responses to Global Challenges on Education and Communication (pp. 38-39). Athens, Greece: Communication Institute of Greece. 978-618-85622-5-7.
  12. Seah, V. Y. Z. & Tan, E.M.Y. (2023).
    Nudging for Improved Academic Performance and Motivation in Higher Learning Institutions. International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 9(5), 74-77.
  13. Tan, E.M.Y., & Poon, K.K.L. (2023).
    A Literature Summary on the Typology of Giftedness Among Savants. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. 10(4), 19-22.
  14. Tan, E.M.Y., & Chia, I. (2023).
    An Overview of the Landscape of Adults with Disabilities in Singapore. A Literature Review. International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research, 9(1). 150-152.
  15. Tan, E.M.Y., & Poon, K.K. L. (2023).
    A Literature Overview on the Relationship between Autism Spectrum Disorder and Savant Skills. International Journal of Innovation Scientific Research and Review, 5(1), 3870-3874.
  16. Tan, E.M.Y., & Chia, I. (2023).
    Supporting and Enabling Improvements in the area of care for adults with disabilities in Singapore. International Journal of Research & Development, 8(1), 106-108.
  17. Tan, E.M.Y. & Poon, K.K. (2023).
    Parental Involvement and Influence in the Development of Talents for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Three Modern Case Studies. International Journal of Research and Development, 8(1), 40-44.
  18. Tan, E.M.Y.,& Poon, K.K. (2023).
    Exceptional Abilities and Individuals with Autism. A Historical Account. International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research, 9(1), 17-21. doi: 10.36713/epra2013
  19. Chia, I., & Tan, E.M.Y. (2023).
    Unleashing the Artistic Ability of Students with Special Needs: Towards an Ability-Driven Paradigm in Special Education. In V. Zhuang, M.E. Wong, & D. Goodley (Eds.). Not Without Us: Perspectives on Disability and Inclusion in Singapore. Ethos Books.
  20. Abusalih, A. F., Tan, E.M.Y., & de Cruz, N. (2023).
    Associations between parental conflict and externalising behaviours in children with ASD in a local Singaporean sample: Parenting styles as a moderating mechanism. European Journal of Teaching and Education, 5(2), 13-35.
  21. Tan, E.M.Y., & Poon, K. (2022).
    Aptitudes, Capabilities, and Interests of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. European Journal of Teaching and Education, 4(4), 32–43.

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